public Object getSystemService (String name)getSystemService - Activity | Android Developers
定数 | 取得の対象 | 説明 |
ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE | AccessibilityManager | giving the user feedback for UI events through the registered event listeners. |
ACCOUNT_SERVICE | AccountManager | receiving intents at a time of your choosing. |
ACTIVITY_SERVICE | ActivityManager | interacting with the global system state. |
ALARM_SERVICE | AlarmManager | receiving intents at a time of your choosing. |
AUDIO_SERVICE | AudioManager | handling management of volume, ringer modes and audio routing. |
CLIPBOARD_SERVICE | ClipboardManager | accessing and modifying the contents of the global clipboard. |
CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE | ConnectivityManager | handling management of network connections. |
DEVICE_POLICY_SERVICE | DevicePolicyManager | working with global device policy management. |
DOWNLOAD_SERVICE | DownloadManager | requesting HTTP downloads. |
DROPBOX_SERVICE | DropBoxManager | recording diagnostic logs. |
INPUT_METHOD_SERVICE | InputMethodManager | accessing input methods. |
KEYGUARD_SERVICE | NotificationManager | controlling keyguard. |
LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE | LayoutInflater | inflating layout resources in this context. |
LOCATION_SERVICE | LocationManager | controlling location updates. |
NFC_SERVICE | NfcManager | using NFC. |
NOTIFICATION_SERVICE | NotificationManager | informing the user of background events. |
POWER_SERVICE | PowerManager | controlling power management, including "wake locks," which let you keep the device on while you're running long tasks. |
SEARCH_SERVICE | SearchManager | handling searches. |
SENSOR_SERVICE | SensorManager | accessing sensors. |
STORAGE_SERVICE | StorageManager | accessing system storage functions. |
TELEPHONY_SERVICE | TelephonyManager | handling management the telephony features of the device. |
UI_MODE_SERVICE | UiModeManager | controlling UI modes. |
USB_SERVICE | UsbManager | access to USB devices (as a USB host) and for controlling this device's behavior as a USB device. |
VIBRATOR_SERVICE | Vibrator | interacting with the vibration hardware. |
WALLPAPER_SERVICE | WallpaperService | accessing wallpapers. |
WIFI_SERVICE | WifiManager | handling management of Wi-Fi access. |
WINDOW_SERVICE | WindowManager | accessing the system's window manager. |
public IntentService (String name)IntentService - IntentService | Android Developers