コーディング規約 (Coding Standard)
名前1 |
名前2 |
begin |
end |
first |
last |
locked |
unlocked |
min |
max |
next |
previous |
old |
new |
opend |
closed |
visible |
invisible |
source |
target |
source |
destination |
up |
down |
名前1 |
名前2 |
add |
remove |
begin |
end |
create |
destroy |
first |
last |
get |
put |
get |
set |
increment |
decrement |
insert |
delete |
lock |
unlock |
min |
max |
next |
previous |
old |
new |
open |
close |
show |
hide |
source |
target |
start |
stop |
up |
down |
形式 |
特徴 |
記述例 |
キャメルケース (CamelCase) / Lower Camel Case |
最初の文字は小文字にし、各単語の最初の文字を大文字にする |
backColor |
パスカルケース (PascalCase) / Upper Camel Case |
最初の文字と、各単語の最初の文字を大文字にする |
BackColor |
CamelCase - Wikipedia
接頭辞 (prefix)
Prefix |
Description |
a |
Array |
b |
BOOL (int) |
c |
Char |
cb |
Count of bytes |
cr |
Color reference value |
cx |
Count of x (short) |
dw |
DWORD (unsigned long) |
f |
Flags (usually multiple bit values) |
fn |
Function |
g_ |
Global |
h |
Handle |
i |
Integer |
l |
Long |
lp |
Long pointer |
m_ |
Data member of a class |
n |
Short int |
p |
Pointer |
s |
String |
sz |
Zero terminated String |
tm |
Text metric |
u |
Unsigned int |
ul |
Unsigned long (ULONG) |
w |
WORD (unsigned short) |
x,y |
x, y coordinates (short) |
Coding Style Conventions - Windows applications | Microsoft Learn