Debugging Tools for Windows


3 ways to get Debugging Tools for Windows - Debugging Tools for Windows (WinDbg, KD, CDB, NTSD) | Microsoft Learn

既定で%PROGRAMFILES(X86)%\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\にインストールされます。Installation Directory - Tools Included in Debugging Tools for Windows | Microsoft Learn


ADPlus Automatically create memory dump files and log files with debug output from one or more processes.
DumpChk Validate a memory dump file.
GFlags Control registry keys and other settings.
Kill Terminate a process.
Logger and LogViewer Record and display function calls and other actions of a program.
PLMDebug Use the Windows debugger to debug Windows app, which run under Process Lifecycle Management (PLM). With PLMDebug, you can take manual control of suspending, resuming, and terminating a Windows app.
Remote Tool Remotely control any console program, including KD, CDB, and NTSD. See Remote Debugging Through Remote.exe.
TList List all running processes.
UMDH Analyze heap allocations.
USBView Display USB host controllers and connected devices.
DbgRpc (Dbgrpc.exe) Display Microsoft Remote Procedure Call (RPC) state information. See RPC Debugging and Using the DbgRpc Tool.
KDbgCtrl (Kernel Debugging Control, Kdbgctrl.exe) Control and configure the kernel debugging connection. See Using KDbgCtrl.
SrcSrv A source server that can be used to deliver source files while debugging.
SymSrv A symbol server that the debugger can use to connect to a symbol store.
SymProxy Create a single HTTP symbol server on your network that all your debuggers can point to. This has the benefit of pointing to multiple symbol servers (both internal and external) with a single symbol path, handling all authentication, and increasing performance via symbol caching. Symproxy.dll is in the SymProxy folder in the installation directory.
SymChk Compare executable files to symbol files to verify that the correct symbols are available.
SymStore Create a symbol store. See Using SymStore.
AgeStore Removes old entries in the downstream store of a symbol server or a source server.
DBH Display information about the contents of a symbol file.
PDBCopy Remove private symbol information from a symbol file, and control which public symbols are included in the file.
DbgSrv A process server used for remote debugging. See Process Servers (User Mode).
KdSrv A KD connection server used for remote debugging.See KD Connection Servers (Kernel Mode).
DbEngPrx A repeater (small proxy server) used for remote debugging. See Repeaters.
Breakin (Breakin.exe) Causes a user-mode break to occur in a process. For help, open a Command Prompt window, navigate to the installation directory, and enter breakin /?.
List (File List Utility) (List.exe) For help, open a Command Prompt window, navigate to the installation directory, and enter list /?.
RTList (Remote Task List Viewer) (Rtlist.exe) List running processes via a DbgSrv process server. For help, open a Command Prompt window, navigate to the installation directory, and enter rtlist /?.
Tools Included in Debugging Tools for Windows | Microsoft Learn



使用方法はadplus.exe -?、またはインストールフォルダのadplus.docで確認できます。

ADPlus runmode -o OutputDirectory [options]
ADPlus | Microsoft Learn
-p PID Defines a Process ID to be attached
-pn ProcessName Defines a process name to be attached
-po ProcessName Defines an optional process name to be attached
-pmn ProcessName Defines a process name to be monitored ADPlus will keep monitoring if a process with this name starts and attach
-sc spawning command Defines the application and parameters to be started in the debugger. The -sc switch, if used, must be the last one
-iis All iis related processes will be attached like inetinfo, dllhost,mtx, etc.


ADPlus -crash -p 1234 -o c:\dumps

実行時に「!!!ERROR - Some selected processes are not running:」として失敗する場合には、そのプロセスを先に実行させるか、-pmnでアタッチさせます。


レジストリ キーや設定を制御できます。

管理者権限で起動しないと「System Registry GFlags: Error: 5」と通知され、ダイアログボックスは表示されてもコマンドは失敗します。To open the Global Flags dialog box - Opening the Dialog Box | Microsoft Learn

GFlags | Microsoft Learn