Sib Icon Editorの使用方法



Icon Editor for Windows
Ver.4.0まではフリーでしたが、Ver.5.0以降は30日間の試用後は有料 ($29.95) となっています。

アイコン (Icon)

  Undo The Undo operation reverts the open icon image to its state before the last editing change was made. Multiple levels of Undo are available. Please note that some operations, such as adding and removing subicons or layers and all operations with icons in libraries cannot be reversed with Undo.
Redo The Redo operation reverts the document to its state before the last Undo was performed. Redo can only be performed after an undo (or after a series of undos).
透過 Image transparency Off 背景を透過させない
Image transparency On 不透明度が0の部分は、背景を透過させる
Actual transparency 不透明度を背景のそれと混合して、背景を透過させる
  Smooth resampling Toggles the smooth resampling mode for moved or copied image areas.
  RGB lock This mode works with the 32-bit images only. When RGB Lock is on, the drawing tools will change not the color of the pixels but their transparency only.
Transparency lock This mode works with 32-bit images only. When Transparency Lock is on, the drawing tools will change the color of the pixels without affecting their transparency.
  Layers Toggles the layer mode.
  Grid Toggles the display of pixel grid.
  Perspective Grid Toggles the display of perspective grid for Windows XP style icons.
  Zoom in Click these buttons to change the zoom level.
For example, you may want to zoom in to see the individual pixels for detail work and zoom out to adjust the color balance. The magnification level of an icon always appears in the status bar (next to the magnifying glass icon). Please note that the minimum zoom value is 1:1 (actual size).
Zoom out
Auto zoom Lock this button to make the icon automatically adjust to the workspace size when you resize the Sib Icon Editor window.
  Roll left Shifts the entire image or the selected area one pixel to the left.
Roll right Shifts the entire image or the selected area one pixel to the right.
Roll up/down Shifts the entire image or selected area one pixel up or down.
About the Toolbars - Sib Icon Editor Help


メニューの【File → New Icon】からアイコンを作成できます。


アイコン ファイル (.ico) 以外の画像ファイルを取り込めます。

メニューの【File → Import → Add File(s)】からファイルを指定するか、対象のファイルをSib Icon Editorへドラッグ&ドロップします。

Resample filter

  • None
  • Triangle
  • Hermite
  • Bell
  • BSpline
  • Lanczos3
  • Mitchell
  • Nearest
  • Linear
  • Auto


メニューの【File → Export → Current Image...】か、ウィンドウ右のリストから対象の画像のコンテキストメニューを表示し、それの[Save Image...]から各種のフォーマットで画像を保存できます。ただしフォーマットよっては透過などの色が失われることがあるため、アイコン ファイル (.ico) として出力した上で、それを読み込めるアプリケーションを介して他のフォーマットへ変換します。

アイコン ライブラリ (Icon Library)

複数のアイコンをパッケージ化する、アイコン ライブラリを扱えます。

New icon Creates a new icon in the current library and loads it in the editor window.
Import files Brings up the Open File dialog and imports selected files to a library.
Find in folder Finds all icons stored in a specific folder.
Find on all local disks Finds all icons stored on all hard disks.
Find file type icons Finds all icons associated with file types.
Find on the Web Finds icons on the Internet.
Download icons Scans an Internet link for icons.
Duplicate Creates a copy of the selected icon.
Edit icon Loads the selected icon in the editor window.
Rename icon Brings up the Rename Items dialog that you can use for changing the icon name.
16x16 Click one of these buttons to display all icons in the library in the desired size. If an icon does not contain a corresponding image, it will be enlarged/shrunk to fit the selected size. Selecting the Windows Sizes option displays two images for each icon (their sizes depend on your current desktop settings). Selecting the Custom Size option enables you to specify a custom size for the display of icons. All these settings influence the displayed images only, but not the icons themselves.
Custom size
Windows sizes
Monochrome Click one of these buttons to display all icons in the library in the desired color depth. If an icon library does not contain a corresponding image, the existing image will be displayed unless the Exact Formats option is on.
16 colors
256 colors or 24-bit True Color
32-bit True Color
Icon names Toggles the display of icon names.
Icon formats Toggles the display of icon sizes and color depths.
Exact formats Click this button to hide all icons that have image size and color depth different from the specified.
About the Toolbars - Sib Icon Editor Help


メニューの【File → New Icon Library】でアイコン ライブラリを作成します。すでに作成されているアイコンをライブラリに登録するには、ウィンドウ上にアイコン ファイルをドラッグ&ドロップします。

メニューの【File → Save as】から、アイコン ライブラリとして保存できます。



.exeや.dllファイルをウィンドウ上にドラッグ&ドロップすることで、そこに格納されたアイコン リソースを一覧できます。




アイコン ライブラリの画面で、メニューの【Library → Find in Folder】からフォルダ内にあるアイコンを一括して抽出できます。メニューに[Library]がないならば、メニューの【File → New Icon Library】から、先にアイコン ライブラリを作成しておきます。


効果 (Effects)


効果 適用前 適用後
Drop Shadow...
Replace Color...
Disabled Image
Merge with Background Color

レイヤー (Layers)

メニューの【View → Layers】から、レイヤーモードに切り替えられます。


レイヤーの情報は、Icon Project (*.icpr) 形式で保存しないと失われます。

設定 (Options)

メニューの【View → Options】から、各種の設定を行えます。

ホットキー (Hotkeys)


  1. File
    1. New Icon... Ctrl+N
    2. New Icon Library Ctrl+L
    3. Open... Ctrl+O
    4. Create Icon from Image...
    5. Save Ctrl+S
    6. Save as...
    7. Save Icon as... F2
    8. Export
      1. Current Image...
      2. Current Layer...
      3. Icons to Folder...
      4. Single Image...
      5. Mask Image...
    9. Import
      1. Add File(s)...
      2. Image...
    10. Properties...
    11. Close Ctrl+F4
    12. Exit
  2. Edit
    1. Undo Ctrl+Z
    2. Redo Ctrl+Y
    3. Cut Ctrl+X
    4. Copy Ctrl+C
    5. Paste Ctrl+V
    6. Delete Del
    7. Crop
    8. Select All Ctrl+A
    9. Invert Selection
    10. Apply Selection
  3. Library
    1. Find in Folder...
    2. Find on Entire Computer...
    3. Find Associated
    4. New Icon...
    5. Edit Icon
    6. Rename...
    7. Duplicate
    8. Convert...
    9. Icon Properties...
    10. Delete Duplicates
    11. Correct Names
    12. Combine Icons
    13. Split Icon(s)
    14. Sort
      1. by Name
      2. by Name as Number
      3. by Image Count
      4. by Image Size
      5. by Color Depth
      6. by Source Name
      7. Backward
    15. Locate Icon
      1. by Name...
      2. by Source Name...
  4. Tools
    1. Drawing Tools
      1. Selector S
      2. Color Picker I
      3. Color Replacer
      4. Eraser E
      5. Airbrush
      6. Pencil P
      7. Paint Brush B
      8. Flood Fill F
      9. Text T
      10. Line L
      11. Arc
      12. Curved Line
      13. Rectangle R
      14. Filled Rectangle
      15. Ellipse
      16. Filled Ellipse
      17. Rounded Rectangle
      18. Filled Rounded Rectangle
      19. Hot Spot
    2. Color Fil
      1. Gradient Fill G
      2. Select Gradient...
      3. Every pixel
      4. Even pixels
      5. Odd pixels
      6. Every other horizontal
      7. Every other vertical
    3. Image Transparency
      1. Image Transparency Off
      2. Image Transparency On
      3. Blend Images
    4. Paint Over
    5. Smooth Resampling
    6. Line Width...
    7. Lock RGB Channel/Palette
    8. Lock Alpha Channel
    9. New Image Format... Ctrl+I
    10. Delete Image Format Ctrl+Del
    11. Convert Image Format... Ctrl+F
    12. Canvas Size...
    13. Duplicate Image Format Ctrl+D
    14. Next Image Format F3
    15. Layer Properties...
    16. Capture Image... Ctrl+Q
    17. Sort Images
      1. by Size
      2. by Color Depth
      3. for Windows XP
      4. for Windows Vista
      5. Backward
    18. Test Image... Ctrl+T
  5. Effects
    1. Rotate
      1. Right
      2. Left
      3. Transpose
      4. Arbitrary...
    2. Flip
      1. Horizontally
      2. Vertically
    3. Roll
      1. Right
      2. Left
      3. Up
      4. Down
    4. Drop Shadow...
    5. Smooth/Sharpen...
    6. Hue/Saturation...
    7. Brightness/Contrast...
    8. Opacity...
    9. Colorize...
    10. Grayscale
    11. Negative...
    12. Replace Color...
    13. Stroke
    14. Disabled Image
    15. Clear Mask
    16. Merge with Background Color
    17. Palette
      1. Predefined
        1. Default
        2. System
        3. Windows
        4. Windows XP
        5. Mac OS
        6. Web
        7. BlackBody
        8. Spectrum
        9. Gray Scale
      2. Open...
      3. Save...
  6. View
    1. Zoom In Num +
    2. Zoom Out Num -
    3. Zoom Factor
      1. Actual size /
      2. 200 %
      3. 400 %
      4. 800 %
      5. 1000 %
      6. 1600 %
    4. Automatic Zoom Num *
    5. Grid Ctrl+G
    6. Perspective Grid
    7. Icons
      1. 16x16
      2. 32x32
      3. 48x48
      4. Custom Size
      5. Windows sizes
      6. Set Custom Size...
      7. Monochrome
      8. 16 Colors
      9. 256 or True Color
      10. True Color (32 bit)
      11. Icon Captions
      12. Icon Formats
      13. Exact Formats
      14. Store Proportions
      15. Enlarge Small Images
      16. Default View Settings
    8. Controls
      1. Standard Toolbar
      2. Windows Bar
      3. Local Toolbar
      4. Preview Area
      5. Status Bar
    9. Layers
    10. Open Files
      1. Next File Ctrl+Tab
      2. Previous File Shift+Ctrl+Tab
      3. All Files...
    11. Customize Windows...
    12. File Associations...
    13. Options...
  7. Help
    1. Contents F1
    2. Home page
    3. Icon Editor Home Page
    4. Icon Design
    5. Ready Icons
    6. About...
  8. Hidden
    1. Undo Alt+BkSp
    2. Paste Shift+Ins
    3. Terminate Esc
    4. Copy Ctrl+Ins
    5. Next Window Ctrl+F6
    6. Previous Window Shift+Ctrl+F6
    7. Previous Frame Shift+F3
    8. Zoom In Ctrl+Num +
    9. Zoom Out Ctrl+Num -
    10. Move Right Ctrl+Right
    11. Move Left Ctrl+Left
    12. Move Up Ctrl+Up
    13. Move Down Ctrl+Down


  • ヘルプファイル (Help.chm)


