


定数 説明
AndroidManifestAction_name The name of an action that is handled, using the Java-style naming convention.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_description Descriptive text for the associated data.
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_enabled Specify whether the activity-alias is enabled or not (that is, can be instantiated by the system).
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_exported Flag indicating whether the given application component is available to other applications.
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_name Required name of the class implementing the activity, deriving from Activity.
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_permission Specify a permission that a client is required to have in order to use the associated object.
AndroidManifestActivityAlias_targetActivity The name of the activity this alias should launch.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestActivity_allowTaskReparenting Specify that an activity can be moved out of a task it is in to the task it has an affinity for when appropriate.
AndroidManifestActivity_alwaysRetainTaskState Specify whether an acitivty's task state should always be maintained by the system, or if it is allowed to reset the task to its initial state in certain situations.
AndroidManifestActivity_clearTaskOnLaunch Specify whether an activity's task should be cleared when it is re-launched from the home screen.
AndroidManifestActivity_configChanges Specify one or more configuration changes that the activity will handle itself.
AndroidManifestActivity_description Descriptive text for the associated data.
AndroidManifestActivity_enabled Specify whether the activity is enabled or not (that is, can be instantiated by the system).
AndroidManifestActivity_excludeFromRecents Indicates that an Activity should be excluded from the list of recently launched activities.
AndroidManifestActivity_exported Flag indicating whether the given application component is available to other applications.
AndroidManifestActivity_finishOnCloseSystemDialogs Specify whether an activity should be finished when a "close system windows" request has been made.
AndroidManifestActivity_finishOnTaskLaunch Specify whether an activity should be finished when its task is brought to the foreground by relaunching from the home screen.
AndroidManifestActivity_hardwareAccelerated Flag indicating whether the application's rendering should be hardware accelerated if possible.
AndroidManifestActivity_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestActivity_immersive Flag declaring this activity to be 'immersive'; immersive activities should not be interrupted with other activities or notifications.
AndroidManifestActivity_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestActivity_launchMode Specify how an activity should be launched.
AndroidManifestActivity_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestActivity_multiprocess Specify whether a component is allowed to have multiple instances of itself running in different processes.
AndroidManifestActivity_name Required name of the class implementing the activity, deriving from Activity.
AndroidManifestActivity_noHistory Specify whether an activity should be kept in its history stack.
AndroidManifestActivity_permission Specify a permission that a client is required to have in order to use the associated object.
AndroidManifestActivity_process Specify a specific process that the associated code is to run in.
AndroidManifestActivity_screenOrientation Specify the orientation an activity should be run in.
AndroidManifestActivity_stateNotNeeded Indicates that an Activity does not need to have its freeze state (as returned by onSaveInstanceState(Bundle) retained in order to be restarted.
AndroidManifestActivity_taskAffinity Specify a task name that activities have an "affinity" to.
AndroidManifestActivity_theme The overall theme to use for an activity.
AndroidManifestActivity_windowSoftInputMode Specify the default soft-input mode for the main window of this activity.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestApplication_allowBackup Whether to allow the application to participate in backup infrastructure.
AndroidManifestApplication_allowClearUserData Option to let applications specify that user data can/cannot be cleared.
AndroidManifestApplication_allowTaskReparenting Specify that an activity can be moved out of a task it is in to the task it has an affinity for when appropriate.
AndroidManifestApplication_backupAgent The name of the class subclassing BackupAgent to manage backup and restore of the application's data on external storage.
AndroidManifestApplication_debuggable Flag indicating whether the application can be debugged, even when running on a device that is running in user mode.
AndroidManifestApplication_description Descriptive text for the associated data.
AndroidManifestApplication_enabled Specify whether the components in this application are enabled or not (that is, can be instantiated by the system).
AndroidManifestApplication_hardwareAccelerated Flag indicating whether the application's rendering should be hardware accelerated if possible.
AndroidManifestApplication_hasCode Indicate whether this application contains code.
AndroidManifestApplication_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestApplication_killAfterRestore Whether the application in question should be terminated after its settings have been restored during a full-system restore operation.
AndroidManifestApplication_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestApplication_largeHeap Request that your application's processes be created with a large Dalvik heap.
AndroidManifestApplication_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestApplication_manageSpaceActivity Name of activity to be launched for managing the application's space on the device.
AndroidManifestApplication_name An optional name of a class implementing the overall Application for this package.
AndroidManifestApplication_permission Specify a permission that a client is required to have in order to use the associated object.
AndroidManifestApplication_persistent Flag to control special persistent mode of an application.
AndroidManifestApplication_process Specify a specific process that the associated code is to run in.
AndroidManifestApplication_restoreAnyVersion Indicate that the application is prepared to attempt a restore of any backed-up dataset, even if the backup is apparently from a newer version of the application than is currently installed on the device.
AndroidManifestApplication_restoreNeedsApplication This constant is deprecated. This attribute is not used by the Android operating system. Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false". This may also be a reference to a resource (in the form "@[package:]type:name") or theme attribute (in the form "?[package:][type:]name") containing a value of this type. This corresponds to the global attribute resource symbol restoreNeedsApplication.
AndroidManifestApplication_taskAffinity Specify a task name that activities have an "affinity" to.
AndroidManifestApplication_testOnly Option to indicate this application is only for testing purposes.
AndroidManifestApplication_theme The overall theme to use for an activity.
AndroidManifestApplication_vmSafeMode Flag indicating whether the application requests the VM to operate in the safe mode.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestCategory_name The name of category that is handled, using the Java-style naming convention.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestCompatibleScreensScreen_screenDensity Specifies a compatible screen density, as per the device configuration screen density bins.
AndroidManifestCompatibleScreensScreen_screenSize Specifies a compatible screen size, as per the device configuration screen size bins.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestData_host Specify a URI authority host that is handled, as per IntentFilter.addDataAuthority().
AndroidManifestData_mimeType Specify a MIME type that is handled, as per IntentFilter.addDataType().
AndroidManifestData_path Specify a URI path that must exactly match, as per IntentFilter.addDataAuthority() with PATTERN_LITERAL.
AndroidManifestData_pathPattern Specify a URI path that matches a simple pattern, as per IntentFilter.addDataAuthority() with PATTERN_SIMPLE_GLOB.
AndroidManifestData_pathPrefix Specify a URI path that must be a prefix to match, as per IntentFilter.addDataAuthority() with PATTERN_PREFIX.
AndroidManifestData_port Specify a URI authority port that is handled, as per IntentFilter.addDataAuthority().
AndroidManifestData_scheme Specify a URI scheme that is handled, as per IntentFilter.addDataScheme().


定数 説明
AndroidManifestGrantUriPermission_path Specify a URI path that must exactly match, as per PatternMatcher with PATTERN_LITERAL.
AndroidManifestGrantUriPermission_pathPattern Specify a URI path that matches a simple pattern, as per PatternMatcher with PATTERN_SIMPLE_GLOB.
AndroidManifestGrantUriPermission_pathPrefix Specify a URI path that must be a prefix to match, as per PatternMatcher with PATTERN_PREFIX.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestInstrumentation_functionalTest Flag indicating that an Instrumentation class should be run as a functional test.
AndroidManifestInstrumentation_handleProfiling Flag indicating that an Instrumentation class wants to take care of starting/stopping profiling itself, rather than relying on the default behavior of profiling the complete time it is running.
AndroidManifestInstrumentation_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestInstrumentation_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestInstrumentation_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestInstrumentation_name Required name of the class implementing the instrumentation, deriving from Instrumentation.
AndroidManifestInstrumentation_targetPackage The name of the application package that an Instrumentation object will run against.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestIntentFilter_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestIntentFilter_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestIntentFilter_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestIntentFilter_priority Specify the relative importance or ability in handling a particular Intent.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestMetaData_name A unique name for the given item.
AndroidManifestMetaData_resource Resource identifier to assign to this piece of named meta-data.
AndroidManifestMetaData_value Concrete value to assign to this piece of named meta-data.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestOriginalPackage_name A unique name for the given item.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestPathPermission_path Specify a URI path that must exactly match, as per PatternMatcher with PATTERN_LITERAL.
AndroidManifestPathPermission_pathPattern Specify a URI path that matches a simple pattern, as per PatternMatcher with PATTERN_SIMPLE_GLOB.
AndroidManifestPathPermission_pathPrefix Specify a URI path that must be a prefix to match, as per PatternMatcher with PATTERN_PREFIX.
AndroidManifestPathPermission_permission Specify a permission that a client is required to have in order to use the associated object.
AndroidManifestPathPermission_readPermission A specific permission name for read-only access to a ContentProvider.
AndroidManifestPathPermission_writePermission A specific permission name for write access to a ContentProvider.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestPermissionGroup_description Descriptive text for the associated data.
AndroidManifestPermissionGroup_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestPermissionGroup_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestPermissionGroup_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestPermissionGroup_name Required public name of the permission group, permissions will use to specify the group they are in.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestPermissionTree_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestPermissionTree_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestPermissionTree_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestPermissionTree_name Required public name of the permission tree, which is the base name of all permissions under it.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestPermission_description Descriptive text for the associated data.
AndroidManifestPermission_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestPermission_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestPermission_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestPermission_name Required public name of the permission, which other components and packages will use when referring to this permission.
AndroidManifestPermission_permissionGroup Specified the name of a group that this permission is associated with.
AndroidManifestPermission_protectionLevel Characterizes the potential risk implied in a permission and indicates the procedure the system should follow when determining whether to grant the permission to an application requesting it.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestProtectedBroadcast_name A unique name for the given item.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestProvider_authorities Specify the authorities under which this content provider can be found.
AndroidManifestProvider_description Descriptive text for the associated data.
AndroidManifestProvider_enabled Specify whether this provider is enabled or not (that is, can be instantiated by the system).
AndroidManifestProvider_exported Flag indicating whether the given application component is available to other applications.
AndroidManifestProvider_grantUriPermissions If true, the Context.grantUriPermission or corresponding Intent flags can be used to allow others to access specific URIs in the content provider, even if they do not have an explicit read or write permission.
AndroidManifestProvider_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestProvider_initOrder Specify the order in which content providers hosted by a process are instantiated when that process is created.
AndroidManifestProvider_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestProvider_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestProvider_multiprocess Specify whether a component is allowed to have multiple instances of itself running in different processes.
AndroidManifestProvider_name Required name of the class implementing the provider, deriving from ContentProvider.
AndroidManifestProvider_permission Specify a permission that a client is required to have in order to use the associated object.
AndroidManifestProvider_process Specify a specific process that the associated code is to run in.
AndroidManifestProvider_readPermission A specific permission name for read-only access to a ContentProvider.
AndroidManifestProvider_syncable Flag indicating whether this content provider would like to participate in data synchronization.
AndroidManifestProvider_writePermission A specific permission name for write access to a ContentProvider.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestReceiver_description Descriptive text for the associated data.
AndroidManifestReceiver_enabled Specify whether the receiver is enabled or not (that is, can be instantiated by the system).
AndroidManifestReceiver_exported Flag indicating whether the given application component is available to other applications.
AndroidManifestReceiver_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestReceiver_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestReceiver_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestReceiver_name Required name of the class implementing the receiver, deriving from BroadcastReceiver.
AndroidManifestReceiver_permission Specify a permission that a client is required to have in order to use the associated object.
AndroidManifestReceiver_process Specify a specific process that the associated code is to run in.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestService_description Descriptive text for the associated data.
AndroidManifestService_enabled Specify whether the service is enabled or not (that is, can be instantiated by the system).
AndroidManifestService_exported Flag indicating whether the given application component is available to other applications.
AndroidManifestService_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
AndroidManifestService_label A user-legible name for the given item.
AndroidManifestService_logo A Drawable resource providing an extended graphical logo for its associated item.
AndroidManifestService_name Required name of the class implementing the service, deriving from Service.
AndroidManifestService_permission Specify a permission that a client is required to have in order to use the associated object.
AndroidManifestService_process Specify a specific process that the associated code is to run in.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestSupportsScreens_anyDensity Indicates whether the application can accommodate any screen density.
AndroidManifestSupportsScreens_largeScreens Indicates whether the application supports larger screen form-factors.
AndroidManifestSupportsScreens_normalScreens Indicates whether an application supports the normal screen form-factors.
AndroidManifestSupportsScreens_resizeable Indicates whether the application can resize itself to newer screen sizes.
AndroidManifestSupportsScreens_smallScreens Indicates whether the application supports smaller screen form-factors.
AndroidManifestSupportsScreens_xlargeScreens Indicates whether the application supports extra large screen form-factors.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestUsesConfiguration_reqFiveWayNav Application's requirement for five way navigation Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
AndroidManifestUsesConfiguration_reqHardKeyboard Application's requirement for a hard keyboard Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
AndroidManifestUsesConfiguration_reqKeyboardType The input method preferred by an application.
AndroidManifestUsesConfiguration_reqNavigation The navigation device preferred by an application.
AndroidManifestUsesConfiguration_reqTouchScreen The type of touch screen used by an application.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestUsesFeature_glEsVersion The GLES driver version number needed by an application.
AndroidManifestUsesFeature_name The name of the feature that is being used.
AndroidManifestUsesFeature_required Specify whether this feature is required for the application.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestUsesLibrary_name Required name of the library you use.
AndroidManifestUsesLibrary_required Specify whether this library is required for the application.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestUsesPermission_name Required name of the permission you use, as published with the corresponding name attribute of a <permission> tag; often this is one of the standard system permissions.


定数 説明
AndroidManifestUsesSdk_maxSdkVersion This is the maximum SDK version number that an application works on.
AndroidManifestUsesSdk_minSdkVersion This is the minimum SDK version number that the application requires.
AndroidManifestUsesSdk_targetSdkVersion This is the SDK version number that the application is targeting.


定数 説明
AndroidManifest_installLocation The default install location defined by an application.
AndroidManifest_sharedUserId Specify the name of a user ID that will be shared between multiple packages.
AndroidManifest_sharedUserLabel Specify a label for the shared user UID of this package.
AndroidManifest_versionCode Internal version code.
AndroidManifest_versionName The text shown to the user to indicate the version they have.