パッケージ・エクスプローラー (Package Explorer) ビュー


フィルター (Filters)

ビューの表示内容から、不要な項目を除外します。ビューのメニューの【Filters】から設定できます。Java Element Filters Dialog - Help - Eclipse Platform

項目 説明
.*resources Hides resources with names that start with a '.'
Closed projects Hides closed projects
Empty library containers Hides library containers which do not contain at least one library that is not filtered
Empty packages Hides all empty packages
Empty parent packages Hides empty packages which do not contain Java files but other sub-folders. E.g. given a package 'org.junit' where 'org' does not contain any Java files, this filter will hide the package 'org' but not the package 'org.junit'
Fields Hides fields
Import declarations Hides all import declarations
Inner class files Hides class files with names that contain a '$'
Java files Hides all Java files
Java Members Java Declarations Filter
Libraries from external Hides external libraries i.e. those not contained inside the project itself
Libraries in projects Hides local libraries i.e. those contained inside the project itself
Local types Hides local types
Maven modules filter Filters module folders from the Maven projects
Non-Java elements Hides all non-Java elements
Non-Java projects Hides all projects without Java nature
Non-public members Hides non-public members
Non-shared projects Hides all unshared projects
Package declarations Hides all package declarations
Static fields and methods Hides static fields and methods
Synthetic members Hides synthetic members. Synthetic members do not appear in the source code, but are internally created by the compiler.

ワーキングセット (Working Set)

