


定数 説明
AbsListView_cacheColorHint Indicates that this list will always be drawn on top of solid, single-color opaque background.
AbsListView_choiceMode Defines the choice behavior for the view.
AbsListView_drawSelectorOnTop When set to true, the selector will be drawn over the selected item.
AbsListView_fastScrollAlwaysVisible When set to true, the list will always show the fast scroll interface.
AbsListView_fastScrollEnabled Enables the fast scroll thumb that can be dragged to quickly scroll through the list.
AbsListView_listSelector Drawable used to indicate the currently selected item in the list.
AbsListView_scrollingCache When set to true, the list uses a drawing cache during scrolling.
AbsListView_smoothScrollbar When set to true, the list will use a more refined calculation method based on the pixels height of the items visible on screen.
AbsListView_stackFromBottom Used by ListView and GridView to stack their content from the bottom.
AbsListView_textFilterEnabled When set to true, the list will filter results as the user types.
AbsListView_transcriptMode Sets the transcript mode for the list.


定数 説明
AbsSpinner_entries Reference to an array resource that will populate the Spinner.


定数 説明
AbsoluteLayout_Layout_layout_x This symbol is the offset where the layout_x attribute's value can be found in the AbsoluteLayout_Layout array.
AbsoluteLayout_Layout_layout_y This symbol is the offset where the layout_y attribute's value can be found in the AbsoluteLayout_Layout array.


定数 説明
AccelerateInterpolator_factor This is the amount of deceleration to add when easing in.


定数 説明
AccountAuthenticator_accountPreferences A preferences.xml file for authenticator-specific settings.
AccountAuthenticator_accountType The account type this authenticator handles.
AccountAuthenticator_customTokens Account handles its own token storage and permissions.
AccountAuthenticator_icon The icon of the authenticator.
AccountAuthenticator_label The user-visible name of the authenticator.
AccountAuthenticator_smallIcon Smaller icon of the authenticator.


定数 説明
ActionBar_LayoutParams_layout_gravity Standard gravity constant that a child can supply to its parent.
ActionBar_background Specifies a background drawable for the action bar.
ActionBar_customNavigationLayout Specifies a layout for custom navigation.
ActionBar_displayOptions Options affecting how the action bar is displayed.
ActionBar_divider Specifies the drawable used for item dividers.
ActionBar_height Specifies a fixed height.
ActionBar_homeLayout Specifies a layout to use for the "home" section of the action bar.
ActionBar_icon Specifies the drawable used for the application icon.
ActionBar_indeterminateProgressStyle Specifies a style resource to use for an indeterminate progress spinner.
ActionBar_itemPadding Specifies padding that should be applied to the left and right sides of system-provided items in the bar.
ActionBar_logo Specifies the drawable used for the application logo.
ActionBar_navigationMode The type of navigation to use.
ActionBar_progressBarPadding Specifies the horizontal padding on either end for an embedded progress bar.
ActionBar_progressBarStyle Specifies a style resource to use for an embedded progress bar.
ActionBar_subtitle Specifies subtitle text used for navigationMode="normal" Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
ActionBar_subtitleTextStyle Specifies a style to use for subtitle text.
ActionBar_title Specifies title text used for navigationMode="normal" Must be a string value, using '\\;' to escape characters such as '\\n' or '\\uxxxx' for a unicode character.
ActionBar_titleTextStyle Specifies a style to use for title text.


定数 説明
ActionMode_background Specifies a background for the action mode bar.
ActionMode_height Specifies a fixed height for the action mode bar.
ActionMode_subtitleTextStyle Specifies a style to use for subtitle text.
ActionMode_titleTextStyle Specifies a style to use for title text.


定数 説明
AdapterViewAnimator_animateFirstView Defines whether to animate the current View when the ViewAnimation is first displayed.
AdapterViewAnimator_inAnimation Identifier for the animation to use when a view is shown.
AdapterViewAnimator_loopViews Defines whether the animator loops to the first view once it has reached the end of the list.
AdapterViewAnimator_outAnimation Identifier for the animation to use when a view is hidden.


定数 説明
AdapterViewFlipper_autoStart When true, automatically start animating Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
AdapterViewFlipper_flipInterval This symbol is the offset where the flipInterval attribute's value can be found in the AdapterViewFlipper array.


定数 説明
AlertDialog_bottomBright This symbol is the offset where the bottomBright attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_bottomDark This symbol is the offset where the bottomDark attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_bottomMedium This symbol is the offset where the bottomMedium attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_centerBright This symbol is the offset where the centerBright attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_centerDark This symbol is the offset where the centerDark attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_centerMedium This symbol is the offset where the centerMedium attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_fullBright This symbol is the offset where the fullBright attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_fullDark This symbol is the offset where the fullDark attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_layout Supply an identifier for the layout resource to inflate when the ViewStub becomes visible or when forced to do so.
AlertDialog_topBright This symbol is the offset where the topBright attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.
AlertDialog_topDark This symbol is the offset where the topDark attribute's value can be found in the AlertDialog array.


定数 説明
AlphaAnimation_fromAlpha This symbol is the offset where the fromAlpha attribute's value can be found in the AlphaAnimation array.
AlphaAnimation_toAlpha This symbol is the offset where the toAlpha attribute's value can be found in the AlphaAnimation array.


定数 説明
AnalogClock_dial This symbol is the offset where the dial attribute's value can be found in the AnalogClock array.
AnalogClock_hand_hour This symbol is the offset where the hand_hour attribute's value can be found in the AnalogClock array.
AnalogClock_hand_minute This symbol is the offset where the hand_minute attribute's value can be found in the AnalogClock array.


定数 説明
AnimatedRotateDrawable_drawable Reference to a drawable resource to use for the frame.
AnimatedRotateDrawable_pivotX This symbol is the offset where the pivotX attribute's value can be found in the AnimatedRotateDrawable array.
AnimatedRotateDrawable_pivotY This symbol is the offset where the pivotY attribute's value can be found in the AnimatedRotateDrawable array.
AnimatedRotateDrawable_visible Provides initial visibility state of the drawable; the default value is false.


定数 説明
AnimationDrawableItem_drawable Reference to a drawable resource to use for the frame.
AnimationDrawableItem_duration Amount of time (in milliseconds) to display this frame.


定数 説明
AnimationDrawable_oneshot If true, the animation will only run a single time and then stop.
AnimationDrawable_variablePadding If true, allows the drawable's padding to change based on the current state that is selected.
AnimationDrawable_visible Provides initial visibility state of the drawable; the default value is false.


定数 説明
AnimationSet_shareInterpolator This symbol is the offset where the shareInterpolator attribute's value can be found in the AnimationSet array.


定数 説明
Animation_background Special background behind animation.
Animation_detachWallpaper Special option for window animations: if this window is on top of a wallpaper, don't animate the wallpaper with it.
Animation_duration Amount of time (in milliseconds) for the animation to run.
Animation_fillAfter When set to true, the animation transformation is applied after the animation is over.
Animation_fillBefore When set to true, the animation transformation is applied before the animation has started.
Animation_fillEnabled When set to true, fillAfter is taken into account.
Animation_interpolator Defines the interpolator used to smooth the animation movement in time.
Animation_repeatCount Defines how many times the animation should repeat.
Animation_repeatMode Defines the animation behavior when it reaches the end and the repeat count is greater than 0 or infinite.
Animation_startOffset Delay in milliseconds before the animation runs, once start time is reached.
Animation_zAdjustment Allows for an adjustment of the Z ordering of the content being animated for the duration of the animation.


定数 説明
AnimatorSet_ordering Name of the property being animated.


定数 説明
Animator_duration When set to true, fillAfter is taken into account.
Animator_interpolator Defines the interpolator used to smooth the animation movement in time.
Animator_repeatCount Defines how many times the animation should repeat.
Animator_repeatMode Defines the animation behavior when it reaches the end and the repeat count is greater than 0 or infinite.
Animator_startOffset Delay in milliseconds before the animation runs, once start time is reached.
Animator_valueFrom Value the animation starts from.
Animator_valueTo Value the animation animates to.
Animator_valueType The type of valueFrom and valueTo.


定数 説明
AnticipateInterpolator_tension This is the amount of tension.


定数 説明
AnticipateOvershootInterpolator_extraTension This is the amount by which to multiply the tension.
AnticipateOvershootInterpolator_tension This is the amount of tension.


定数 説明
AppWidgetProviderInfo_autoAdvanceViewId The view id of the AppWidget subview which should be auto-advanced.
AppWidgetProviderInfo_configure A class name in the AppWidget's package to be launched to configure.
AppWidgetProviderInfo_initialLayout A resource id of a layout.
AppWidgetProviderInfo_minHeight Minimum height of the AppWidget.
AppWidgetProviderInfo_minWidth Minimum width of the AppWidget.
AppWidgetProviderInfo_previewImage A preview of what the AppWidget will look like after it's configured.
AppWidgetProviderInfo_resizeMode Optional parameter which indicates if and how this widget can be resized.
AppWidgetProviderInfo_updatePeriodMillis Update period in milliseconds, or 0 if the AppWidget will update itself.


定数 説明
AutoCompleteTextView_completionHint Defines the hint displayed in the drop down menu.
AutoCompleteTextView_completionHintView Defines the hint view displayed in the drop down menu.
AutoCompleteTextView_completionThreshold Defines the number of characters that the user must type before completion suggestions are displayed in a drop down menu.
AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownAnchor View to anchor the auto-complete dropdown to.
AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownHeight Specifies the basic height of the dropdown.
AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownHorizontalOffset Amount of pixels by which the drop down should be offset horizontally.
AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownSelector Selector in a drop down list.
AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownVerticalOffset Amount of pixels by which the drop down should be offset vertically.
AutoCompleteTextView_dropDownWidth Specifies the basic width of the dropdown.
AutoCompleteTextView_inputType The type of data being placed in a text field, used to help an input method decide how to let the user enter text.


定数 説明
BitmapDrawable_antialias Enables or disables antialiasing.
BitmapDrawable_dither Enables or disables dithering of the bitmap if the bitmap does not have the same pixel configuration as the screen (for instance: a ARGB 8888 bitmap with an RGB 565 screen).
BitmapDrawable_filter Enables or disables bitmap filtering.
BitmapDrawable_gravity Defines the gravity for the bitmap.
BitmapDrawable_src Identifier of the bitmap file.
BitmapDrawable_tileMode Defines the tile mode.


定数 説明
CalendarView_dateTextAppearance The text appearance for the calendar dates.
CalendarView_firstDayOfWeek The first day of week according to Calendar.
CalendarView_focusedMonthDateColor The color for the dates of the selected month.
CalendarView_maxDate The minimal date shown by this calendar view in mm/dd/yyyy format.
CalendarView_minDate The minimal date shown by this calendar view in mm/dd/yyyy format.
CalendarView_selectedDateVerticalBar Drawable for the vertical bar shown at the beggining and at the end of a selected date.
CalendarView_selectedWeekBackgroundColor The background color for the selected week.
CalendarView_showWeekNumber Whether do show week numbers.
CalendarView_shownWeekCount The number of weeks to be shown.
CalendarView_unfocusedMonthDateColor The color for the dates of an unfocused month.
CalendarView_weekDayTextAppearance The text appearance for the week day abbreviation of the calendar header.
CalendarView_weekNumberColor The color for the week numbers.
CalendarView_weekSeparatorLineColor The color for the sepatator line between weeks.


定数 説明
CheckBoxPreference_disableDependentsState The state (true for on, or false for off) that causes dependents to be disabled.
CheckBoxPreference_summaryOff The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the CheckBoxPreference is unchecked.
CheckBoxPreference_summaryOn The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen when the CheckBoxPreference is checked.


定数 説明
CheckedTextView_checkMark Drawable used for the check mark graphic.
CheckedTextView_checked Indicates the initial checked state of this text.


定数 説明
Chronometer_format Format string: if specified, the Chronometer will display this string, with the first "%s" replaced by the current timer value in "MM:SS" or "H:MM:SS" form.


定数 説明
ClipDrawable_clipOrientation The orientation for the clip.
ClipDrawable_drawable Reference to a drawable resource to draw with the specified scale.
ClipDrawable_gravity Specifies where to clip within the drawable.


定数 説明
ColorDrawable_color The color to use.


定数 説明
CompoundButton_button Drawable used for the button graphic (e.g.
CompoundButton_checked Indicates the initial checked state of this button.


定数 説明
ContactsDataKind_allContactsName Resource representing the term "All Contacts" (e.g.
ContactsDataKind_detailColumn Column in data table that contains details for this data.
ContactsDataKind_detailSocialSummary Flag indicating that detail should be built from SocialProvider.
ContactsDataKind_icon Icon used to represent data of this kind.
ContactsDataKind_mimeType Mime-type handled by this mapping.
ContactsDataKind_summaryColumn Column in data table that summarizes this data.


定数 説明
CycleInterpolator_cycles This symbol is the offset where the cycles attribute's value can be found in the CycleInterpolator array.


定数 説明
DatePicker_calendarViewShown Whether the calendar view is shown.
DatePicker_endYear The last year (inclusive), for example "2010".
DatePicker_maxDate The minimal date shown by this calendar view in mm/dd/yyyy format.
DatePicker_minDate The minimal date shown by this calendar view in mm/dd/yyyy format.
DatePicker_spinnersShown Whether the spinners are shown.
DatePicker_startYear The first year (inclusive), for example "1940".


定数 説明
DecelerateInterpolator_factor This is the amount of acceleration to add when easing out.


定数 説明
DeviceAdmin_visible Control whether the admin is visible to the user, even when it is not enabled.


定数 説明
DialogPreference_dialogIcon The icon for the dialog.
DialogPreference_dialogLayout A layout to be used as the content View for the dialog.
DialogPreference_dialogMessage The message in the dialog.
DialogPreference_dialogTitle The title in the dialog.
DialogPreference_negativeButtonText The negative button text for the dialog.
DialogPreference_positiveButtonText The positive button text for the dialog.


定数 説明
DrawableCorners_bottomLeftRadius Radius of the bottom left corner.
DrawableCorners_bottomRightRadius Radius of the bottom right corner.
DrawableCorners_radius Defines the radius of the four corners.
DrawableCorners_topLeftRadius Radius of the top left corner.
DrawableCorners_topRightRadius Radius of the top right corner.


定数 説明
DrawableStates_state_accelerated State value for StateListDrawable, indicating that the Drawable is in a view that is hardware accelerated.
DrawableStates_state_activated State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view or its parent has been "activated" meaning the user has currently marked it as being of interest.
DrawableStates_state_active State value for StateListDrawable.
DrawableStates_state_checkable State identifier indicating that the object may display a check mark.
DrawableStates_state_checked State identifier indicating that the object is currently checked.
DrawableStates_state_enabled State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view is enabled.
DrawableStates_state_first State value for StateListDrawable.
DrawableStates_state_focused State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view has input focus.
DrawableStates_state_last State value for StateListDrawable.
DrawableStates_state_middle State value for StateListDrawable.
DrawableStates_state_pressed State value for StateListDrawable, set when the user is pressing down in a view.
DrawableStates_state_selected State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view (or one of its parents) is currently selected.
DrawableStates_state_single State value for StateListDrawable.
DrawableStates_state_window_focused State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view's window has input focus.


定数 説明
Drawable_visible Provides initial visibility state of the drawable; the default value is false.


定数 説明
ExpandableListChildIndicatorState_state_last State identifier indicating the child is the last child within its group.


定数 説明
ExpandableListGroupIndicatorState_state_empty State identifier indicating the group is empty (has no children).
ExpandableListGroupIndicatorState_state_expanded State identifier indicating the group is expanded.


定数 説明
ExpandableListView_childDivider Drawable or color that is used as a divider for children.
ExpandableListView_childIndicator Indicator shown beside the child View.
ExpandableListView_childIndicatorLeft The left bound for a child's indicator.
ExpandableListView_childIndicatorRight The right bound for a child's indicator.
ExpandableListView_groupIndicator Indicator shown beside the group View.
ExpandableListView_indicatorLeft The left bound for an item's indicator.
ExpandableListView_indicatorRight The right bound for an item's indicator.


定数 説明
Extra_name Required name of the extra data.
Extra_value Concrete value to put for this named extra data.


定数 説明
FragmentAnimation_fragmentCloseEnterAnimation This symbol is the offset where the fragmentCloseEnterAnimation attribute's value can be found in the FragmentAnimation array.
FragmentAnimation_fragmentCloseExitAnimation This symbol is the offset where the fragmentCloseExitAnimation attribute's value can be found in the FragmentAnimation array.
FragmentAnimation_fragmentFadeEnterAnimation This symbol is the offset where the fragmentFadeEnterAnimation attribute's value can be found in the FragmentAnimation array.
FragmentAnimation_fragmentFadeExitAnimation This symbol is the offset where the fragmentFadeExitAnimation attribute's value can be found in the FragmentAnimation array.
FragmentAnimation_fragmentOpenEnterAnimation This symbol is the offset where the fragmentOpenEnterAnimation attribute's value can be found in the FragmentAnimation array.
FragmentAnimation_fragmentOpenExitAnimation This symbol is the offset where the fragmentOpenExitAnimation attribute's value can be found in the FragmentAnimation array.


定数 説明
Fragment_id Supply an identifier name for the top-level view, to later retrieve it with View.findViewById() or Activity.findViewById().
Fragment_name Supply the name of the fragment class to instantiate.
Fragment_tag Supply a tag for the top-level view containing a String, to be retrieved later with View.getTag() or searched for with View.findViewWithTag().


定数 説明
FrameLayout_Layout_layout_gravity Standard gravity constant that a child can supply to its parent.
FrameLayout_foreground Defines the drawable to draw over the content.
FrameLayout_foregroundGravity Defines the gravity to apply to the foreground drawable.
FrameLayout_measureAllChildren Determines whether to measure all children or just those in the VISIBLE or INVISIBLE state when measuring.


定数 説明
Gallery_animationDuration Sets how long a transition animation should run (in milliseconds) when layout has changed.
Gallery_gravity Specifies how to place the content of an object, both on the x- and y-axis, within the object itself.
Gallery_spacing This symbol is the offset where the spacing attribute's value can be found in the Gallery array.
Gallery_unselectedAlpha Sets the alpha on the items that are not selected.


定数 説明
GestureOverlayView_eventsInterceptionEnabled Defines whether the overlay should intercept the motion events when a gesture is recognized.
GestureOverlayView_fadeDuration Duration, in milliseconds, of the fade out effect after the user is done drawing a gesture.
GestureOverlayView_fadeEnabled Defines whether the gesture will automatically fade out after being recognized.
GestureOverlayView_fadeOffset Time, in milliseconds, to wait before the gesture fades out after the user is done drawing it.
GestureOverlayView_gestureColor Color used to draw a gesture.
GestureOverlayView_gestureStrokeAngleThreshold Minimum curve angle a stroke must contain before it is recognized as a gesture.
GestureOverlayView_gestureStrokeLengthThreshold Minimum length of a stroke before it is recognized as a gesture.
GestureOverlayView_gestureStrokeSquarenessThreshold Squareness threshold of a stroke before it is recognized as a gesture.
GestureOverlayView_gestureStrokeType Defines the type of strokes that define a gesture.
GestureOverlayView_gestureStrokeWidth Width of the stroke used to draw the gesture.
GestureOverlayView_orientation Indicates whether horizontal (when the orientation is vertical) or vertical (when orientation is horizontal) strokes automatically define a gesture.
GestureOverlayView_uncertainGestureColor Color used to draw the user's strokes until we are sure it's a gesture.


定数 説明
GradientDrawableGradient_angle Angle of the gradient.
GradientDrawableGradient_centerColor Optional center color.
GradientDrawableGradient_centerX X coordinate of the origin of the gradient within the shape.
GradientDrawableGradient_centerY Y coordinate of the origin of the gradient within the shape.
GradientDrawableGradient_endColor End color of the gradient.
GradientDrawableGradient_gradientRadius Radius of the gradient, used only with radial gradient.
GradientDrawableGradient_startColor Start color of the gradient.
GradientDrawableGradient_type Type of gradient.
GradientDrawableGradient_useLevel This symbol is the offset where the useLevel attribute's value can be found in the GradientDrawableGradient array.


定数 説明
GradientDrawablePadding_bottom Amount of bottom padding inside the gradient shape.
GradientDrawablePadding_left Amount of left padding inside the gradient shape.
GradientDrawablePadding_right Amount of right padding inside the gradient shape.
GradientDrawablePadding_top Amount of top padding inside the gradient shape.


定数 説明
GradientDrawableSize_height Height of the gradient shape.
GradientDrawableSize_width Width of the gradient shape.


定数 説明
GradientDrawableSolid_color Solid color for the gradient shape.


定数 説明
GradientDrawableStroke_color Color of the gradient shape's stroke.
GradientDrawableStroke_dashGap Gap between dashes in the stroke.
GradientDrawableStroke_dashWidth Length of a dash in the stroke.
GradientDrawableStroke_width Width of the gradient shape's stroke.


定数 説明
GradientDrawable_dither Enables or disables dithering.
GradientDrawable_innerRadius Inner radius of the ring.
GradientDrawable_innerRadiusRatio Inner radius of the ring expressed as a ratio of the ring's width.
GradientDrawable_shape Indicates what shape to fill with a gradient.
GradientDrawable_thickness Thickness of the ring.
GradientDrawable_thicknessRatio Thickness of the ring expressed as a ratio of the ring's width.
GradientDrawable_useLevel Indicates whether the drawable's level affects the way the gradient is drawn.
GradientDrawable_visible Indicates whether the drawable should intially be visible.


定数 説明
GridLayoutAnimation_columnDelay Fraction of the animation duration used to delay the beginning of the animation of each column.
GridLayoutAnimation_direction Direction of the animation in the grid.
GridLayoutAnimation_directionPriority Priority of the rows and columns.
GridLayoutAnimation_rowDelay Fraction of the animation duration used to delay the beginning of the animation of each row.


定数 説明
GridView_columnWidth Specifies the fixed width for each column.
GridView_gravity Specifies the gravity within each cell.
GridView_horizontalSpacing Defines the default horizontal spacing between columns.
GridView_numColumns Defines how many columns to show.
GridView_stretchMode Defines how columns should stretch to fill the available empty space, if any.
GridView_verticalSpacing Defines the default vertical spacing between rows.


定数 説明
HorizontalScrollView_fillViewport Defines whether the scrollview should stretch its content to fill the viewport.


定数 説明
IconDefault_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.


定数 説明
IconMenuView_maxItemsPerRow Defines the maximum number of items per row.
IconMenuView_maxRows Defines the maximum number of rows displayed.
IconMenuView_moreIcon 'More' icon.
IconMenuView_rowHeight Defines the height of each row.


定数 説明
Icon_icon A Drawable resource providing a graphical representation of its associated item.
Icon_mimeType Specify a MIME type that is handled, as per IntentFilter.addDataType().


定数 説明
ImageView_adjustViewBounds Set this to true if you want the ImageView to adjust its bounds to preserve the aspect ratio of its drawable.
ImageView_baseline The offset of the baseline within this view.
ImageView_baselineAlignBottom If true, the image view will be baseline aligned with based on its bottom edge.
ImageView_cropToPadding If true, the image will be cropped to fit within its padding.
ImageView_maxHeight An optional argument to supply a maximum height for this view.
ImageView_maxWidth An optional argument to supply a maximum width for this view.
ImageView_scaleType Controls how the image should be resized or moved to match the size of this ImageView.
ImageView_src Sets a drawable as the content of this ImageView.
ImageView_tint Set a tinting color for the image.


定数 説明
InputMethodService_imeExtractEnterAnimation Animation to use when showing the fullscreen extract UI after it had previously been hidden.
InputMethodService_imeExtractExitAnimation Animation to use when hiding the fullscreen extract UI after it had previously been shown.
InputMethodService_imeFullscreenBackground Background to use for entire input method when it is being shown in fullscreen mode with the extract view, to ensure that it completely covers the application.


定数 説明
InputMethod_Subtype_icon The icon of the subtype.
InputMethod_Subtype_imeSubtypeExtraValue The extra value of the subtype.
InputMethod_Subtype_imeSubtypeLocale The locale of the subtype.
InputMethod_Subtype_imeSubtypeMode The mode of the subtype.
InputMethod_Subtype_label The name of the subtype.
InputMethod_isDefault Set to true in all of the configurations for which this input method should be considered an option as the default.
InputMethod_settingsActivity Component name of an activity that allows the user to modify the settings for this service.


定数 説明
InsetDrawable_drawable Reference to a drawable resource to use for the frame.
InsetDrawable_insetBottom This symbol is the offset where the insetBottom attribute's value can be found in the InsetDrawable array.
InsetDrawable_insetLeft This symbol is the offset where the insetLeft attribute's value can be found in the InsetDrawable array.
InsetDrawable_insetRight This symbol is the offset where the insetRight attribute's value can be found in the InsetDrawable array.
InsetDrawable_insetTop This symbol is the offset where the insetTop attribute's value can be found in the InsetDrawable array.
InsetDrawable_visible Provides initial visibility state of the drawable; the default value is false.


定数 説明
IntentCategory_name Required name of the category.


定数 説明
Intent_action The action name to assign to the Intent, as per Intent.setAction().
Intent_data The data URI to assign to the Intent, as per Intent.setData().
Intent_mimeType The MIME type name to assign to the Intent, as per Intent.setType().
Intent_targetClass The class part of the ComponentName to assign to the Intent, as per Intent.setComponent().
Intent_targetPackage The package part of the ComponentName to assign to the Intent, as per Intent.setComponent().


定数 説明
KeyboardViewPreviewState_state_long_pressable State for KeyboardView key preview background.


定数 説明
KeyboardView_keyBackground Image for the key.
KeyboardView_keyPreviewHeight Height of the key press feedback popup.
KeyboardView_keyPreviewLayout Layout resource for key press feedback.
KeyboardView_keyPreviewOffset Vertical offset of the key press feedback from the key.
KeyboardView_keyTextColor Color to use for the label in a key.
KeyboardView_keyTextSize Size of the text for character keys.
KeyboardView_labelTextSize Size of the text for custom keys with some text and no icon.
KeyboardView_popupLayout Layout resource for popup keyboards.
KeyboardView_shadowColor Place a shadow of the specified color behind the text.
KeyboardView_shadowRadius Radius of the shadow.
KeyboardView_verticalCorrection Amount to offset the touch Y coordinate by, for bias correction.


定数 説明
Keyboard_Key_codes The unicode value or comma-separated values that this key outputs.
Keyboard_Key_iconPreview The icon to show in the popup preview.
Keyboard_Key_isModifier Whether this is a modifier key such as Alt or Shift.
Keyboard_Key_isRepeatable Whether long-pressing on this key will make it repeat.
Keyboard_Key_isSticky Whether this is a toggle key.
Keyboard_Key_keyEdgeFlags Key edge flags.
Keyboard_Key_keyIcon The icon to display on the key instead of the label.
Keyboard_Key_keyLabel The label to display on the key.
Keyboard_Key_keyOutputText The string of characters to output when this key is pressed.
Keyboard_Key_keyboardMode Mode of the keyboard.
Keyboard_Key_popupCharacters The characters to display in the popup keyboard.
Keyboard_Key_popupKeyboard The XML keyboard layout of any popup keyboard.
Keyboard_Row_keyboardMode Mode of the keyboard.
Keyboard_Row_rowEdgeFlags Row edge flags.
Keyboard_horizontalGap Default horizontal gap between keys.
Keyboard_keyHeight Default height of a key, in pixels or percentage of display width.
Keyboard_keyWidth Default width of a key, in pixels or percentage of display width.
Keyboard_verticalGap Default vertical gap between rows of keys.


定数 説明
LayerDrawableItem_bottom Bottom coordinate of the layer.
LayerDrawableItem_drawable Drawable used to render the layer.
LayerDrawableItem_id Identifier of the layer.
LayerDrawableItem_left Left coordinate of the layer.
LayerDrawableItem_right Right coordinate of the layer.
LayerDrawableItem_top Top coordinate of the layer.


定数 説明
LayerDrawable_opacity Indicates the opacity of the layer.


定数 説明
LayoutAnimation_animation Animation to use on each child.
LayoutAnimation_animationOrder The order in which the animations will be started.
LayoutAnimation_delay Fraction of the animation duration used to delay the beginning of the animation of each child.
LayoutAnimation_interpolator Interpolator used to interpolate the delay between the start of each animation.


定数 説明
LevelListDrawableItem_drawable Reference to a drawable resource to use for the frame.
LevelListDrawableItem_maxLevel The maximum level allowed for this item.
LevelListDrawableItem_minLevel The minimum level allowed for this item.


定数 説明
LinearLayout_Layout_layout_gravity Standard gravity constant that a child can supply to its parent.
LinearLayout_Layout_layout_height Specifies the basic height of the view.
LinearLayout_Layout_layout_weight This symbol is the offset where the layout_weight attribute's value can be found in the LinearLayout_Layout array.
LinearLayout_Layout_layout_width Specifies the basic width of the view.
LinearLayout_baselineAligned When set to false, prevents the layout from aligning its children's baselines.
LinearLayout_baselineAlignedChildIndex When a linear layout is part of another layout that is baseline aligned, it can specify which of its children to baseline align to (that is, which child TextView).
LinearLayout_divider Drawable to use as a vertical divider between buttons.
LinearLayout_dividerPadding Size of padding on either end of a divider.
LinearLayout_gravity Specifies how to place the content of an object, both on the x- and y-axis, within the object itself.
LinearLayout_measureWithLargestChild When set to true, all children with a weight will be considered having the minimum size of the largest child.
LinearLayout_orientation Should the layout be a column or a row? Use "horizontal" for a row, "vertical" for a column.
LinearLayout_showDividers Setting for which dividers to show.
LinearLayout_weightSum Defines the maximum weight sum.


定数 説明
ListPreference_entries The human-readable array to present as a list.
ListPreference_entryValues The array to find the value to save for a preference when an entry from entries is selected.


定数 説明
ListView_divider Drawable or color to draw between list items.
ListView_dividerHeight Height of the divider.
ListView_entries Reference to an array resource that will populate the ListView.
ListView_footerDividersEnabled When set to false, the ListView will not draw the divider before each footer view.
ListView_headerDividersEnabled When set to false, the ListView will not draw the divider after each header view.
ListView_overScrollFooter Drawable to draw below list content.
ListView_overScrollHeader Drawable to draw above list content.


定数 説明
MapView_apiKey Value is a string that specifies the Maps API Key to use.


定数 説明
MenuGroup_checkableBehavior Whether the items are capable of displaying a check mark.
MenuGroup_enabled Whether the items are enabled.
MenuGroup_id The ID of the group.
MenuGroup_menuCategory The category applied to all items within this group.
MenuGroup_orderInCategory The order within the category applied to all items within this group.
MenuGroup_visible Whether the items are shown/visible.


定数 説明
MenuItemCheckedFocusedState_state_checkable State identifier indicating that the object may display a check mark.
MenuItemCheckedFocusedState_state_checked State identifier indicating that the object is currently checked.
MenuItemCheckedFocusedState_state_focused State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view has input focus.


定数 説明
MenuItemCheckedState_state_checkable State identifier indicating that the object may display a check mark.
MenuItemCheckedState_state_checked State identifier indicating that the object is currently checked.


定数 説明
MenuItemUncheckedFocusedState_state_checkable State identifier indicating that the object may display a check mark.
MenuItemUncheckedFocusedState_state_focused State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view has input focus.


定数 説明
MenuItemUncheckedState_state_checkable State identifier indicating that the object may display a check mark.


定数 説明
MenuItem_actionLayout An optional layout to be used as an action view.
MenuItem_actionViewClass The name of an optional View class to instantiate and use as an action view.
MenuItem_alphabeticShortcut The alphabetic shortcut key.
MenuItem_checkable Whether the item is capable of displaying a check mark.
MenuItem_checked Whether the item is checked.
MenuItem_enabled Whether the item is enabled.
MenuItem_icon The icon associated with this item.
MenuItem_id The ID of the item.
MenuItem_menuCategory The category applied to the item.
MenuItem_numericShortcut The numeric shortcut key.
MenuItem_onClick Name of a method on the Context used to inflate the menu that will be called when the item is clicked.
MenuItem_orderInCategory The order within the category applied to the item.
MenuItem_showAsAction How this item should display in the Action Bar, if present.
MenuItem_title The title associated with the item.
MenuItem_titleCondensed The condensed title associated with the item.
MenuItem_visible Whether the item is shown/visible.


定数 説明
MenuView_headerBackground Default background for the menu header.
MenuView_horizontalDivider Default horizontal divider between rows of menu items.
MenuView_itemBackground Default background for each menu item.
MenuView_itemIconDisabledAlpha Default disabled icon alpha for each menu item that shows an icon.
MenuView_itemTextAppearance Default appearance of menu item text.
MenuView_verticalDivider Default vertical divider between menu items.
MenuView_windowAnimationStyle Default animations for the menu.


定数 説明
MipmapDrawableItem_drawable Reference to a drawable resource to use for the frame.


定数 説明
MultiSelectListPreference_entries The human-readable array to present as a list.
MultiSelectListPreference_entryValues The array to find the value to save for a preference when an entry from entries is selected.


定数 説明
NinePatchDrawable_dither Enables or disables dithering of the bitmap if the bitmap does not have the same pixel configuration as the screen (for instance: a ARGB 8888 bitmap with an RGB 565 screen).
NinePatchDrawable_src Identifier of the bitmap file.


定数 説明
OvershootInterpolator_tension This is the amount of tension.


定数 説明
PopupWindowBackgroundState_state_above_anchor State identifier indicating the popup will be above the anchor.


定数 説明
PopupWindow_popupAnimationStyle This symbol is the offset where the popupAnimationStyle attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindow array.
PopupWindow_popupBackground This symbol is the offset where the popupBackground attribute's value can be found in the PopupWindow array.


定数 説明
PreferenceGroup_orderingFromXml Whether to order the Preference under this group as they appear in the XML file.


定数 説明
PreferenceHeader_breadCrumbShortTitle The short title for the bread crumb of this item.
PreferenceHeader_breadCrumbTitle The title for the bread crumb of this item.
PreferenceHeader_fragment The fragment that is displayed when the user selects this item.
PreferenceHeader_icon An icon for the item.
PreferenceHeader_id Identifier value for the header.
PreferenceHeader_summary The summary for the item.
PreferenceHeader_title The title of the item that is shown to the user.


定数 説明
Preference_defaultValue The default value for the preference, which will be set either if persistence is off or persistence is on and the preference is not found in the persistent storage.
Preference_dependency The key of another Preference that this Preference will depend on.
Preference_enabled Whether the Preference is enabled.
Preference_fragment When used inside of a modern PreferenceActivity, this declares a new PreferenceFragment to be shown when the user selects this item.
Preference_icon The optional icon for the preference Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Preference_key The key to store the Preference value.
Preference_layout The layout for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen.
Preference_order The order for the Preference (lower values are to be ordered first).
Preference_persistent Whether the Preference stores its value to the shared preferences.
Preference_selectable Whether the Preference is selectable.
Preference_shouldDisableView Whether the view of this Preference should be disabled when this Preference is disabled.
Preference_summary The summary for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen.
Preference_title The title for the Preference in a PreferenceActivity screen.
Preference_widgetLayout The layout for the controllable widget portion of a Preference.


定数 説明
ProgressBar_animationResolution Timeout between frames of animation in milliseconds Must be an integer value, such as "100".
ProgressBar_indeterminate Allows to enable the indeterminate mode.
ProgressBar_indeterminateBehavior Defines how the indeterminate mode should behave when the progress reaches max.
ProgressBar_indeterminateDrawable Drawable used for the indeterminate mode.
ProgressBar_indeterminateDuration Duration of the indeterminate animation.
ProgressBar_indeterminateOnly Restricts to ONLY indeterminate mode (state-keeping progress mode will not work).
ProgressBar_interpolator This symbol is the offset where the interpolator attribute's value can be found in the ProgressBar array.
ProgressBar_max Defines the maximum value the progress can take.
ProgressBar_maxHeight An optional argument to supply a maximum height for this view.
ProgressBar_maxWidth An optional argument to supply a maximum width for this view.
ProgressBar_minHeight This symbol is the offset where the minHeight attribute's value can be found in the ProgressBar array.
ProgressBar_minWidth This symbol is the offset where the minWidth attribute's value can be found in the ProgressBar array.
ProgressBar_progress Defines the default progress value, between 0 and max.
ProgressBar_progressDrawable Drawable used for the progress mode.
ProgressBar_secondaryProgress Defines the secondary progress value, between 0 and max.


定数 説明
PropertyAnimator_propertyName Name of the property being animated.


定数 説明
RadioGroup_checkedButton The id of the child radio button that should be checked by default within this radio group.
RadioGroup_orientation Should the radio group be a column or a row? Use "horizontal" for a row, "vertical" for a column.


定数 説明
RatingBar_isIndicator Whether this rating bar is an indicator (and non-changeable by the user).
RatingBar_numStars The number of stars (or rating items) to show.
RatingBar_rating The rating to set by default.
RatingBar_stepSize The step size of the rating.


定数 説明
RecognitionService_settingsActivity Component name of an activity that allows the user to modify the settings for this service.


定数 説明
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_above Positions the bottom edge of this view above the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignBaseline Positions the baseline of this view on the baseline of the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignBottom Makes the bottom edge of this view match the bottom edge of the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignLeft Makes the left edge of this view match the left edge of the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentBottom If true, makes the bottom edge of this view match the bottom edge of the parent.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentLeft If true, makes the left edge of this view match the left edge of the parent.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentRight If true, makes the right edge of this view match the right edge of the parent.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignParentTop If true, makes the top edge of this view match the top edge of the parent.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignRight Makes the right edge of this view match the right edge of the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignTop Makes the top edge of this view match the top edge of the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_alignWithParentIfMissing If set to true, the parent will be used as the anchor when the anchor cannot be be found for layout_toLeftOf, layout_toRightOf, etc.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_below Positions the top edge of this view below the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_centerHorizontal If true, centers this child horizontally within its parent.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_centerInParent If true, centers this child horizontally and vertically within its parent.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_centerVertical If true, centers this child vertically within its parent.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_toLeftOf Positions the right edge of this view to the left of the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_Layout_layout_toRightOf Positions the left edge of this view to the right of the given anchor view ID.
RelativeLayout_gravity Specifies how to place the content of an object, both on the x- and y-axis, within the object itself.
RelativeLayout_ignoreGravity Indicates what view should not be affected by gravity.


定数 説明
RingtonePreference_ringtoneType Which ringtone type(s) to show in the picker.
RingtonePreference_showDefault Whether to show an item for a default sound.
RingtonePreference_showSilent Whether to show an item for 'Silent'.


定数 説明
RotarySelector_orientation Use "horizontal" or "vertical".


定数 説明
RotateAnimation_fromDegrees This symbol is the offset where the fromDegrees attribute's value can be found in the RotateAnimation array.
RotateAnimation_pivotX This symbol is the offset where the pivotX attribute's value can be found in the RotateAnimation array.
RotateAnimation_pivotY This symbol is the offset where the pivotY attribute's value can be found in the RotateAnimation array.
RotateAnimation_toDegrees This symbol is the offset where the toDegrees attribute's value can be found in the RotateAnimation array.


定数 説明
RotateDrawable_drawable Reference to a drawable resource to use for the frame.
RotateDrawable_fromDegrees This symbol is the offset where the fromDegrees attribute's value can be found in the RotateDrawable array.
RotateDrawable_pivotX This symbol is the offset where the pivotX attribute's value can be found in the RotateDrawable array.
RotateDrawable_pivotY This symbol is the offset where the pivotY attribute's value can be found in the RotateDrawable array.
RotateDrawable_toDegrees This symbol is the offset where the toDegrees attribute's value can be found in the RotateDrawable array.
RotateDrawable_visible Provides initial visibility state of the drawable; the default value is false.


定数 説明
ScaleAnimation_fromXScale This symbol is the offset where the fromXScale attribute's value can be found in the ScaleAnimation array.
ScaleAnimation_fromYScale This symbol is the offset where the fromYScale attribute's value can be found in the ScaleAnimation array.
ScaleAnimation_pivotX This symbol is the offset where the pivotX attribute's value can be found in the ScaleAnimation array.
ScaleAnimation_pivotY This symbol is the offset where the pivotY attribute's value can be found in the ScaleAnimation array.
ScaleAnimation_toXScale This symbol is the offset where the toXScale attribute's value can be found in the ScaleAnimation array.
ScaleAnimation_toYScale This symbol is the offset where the toYScale attribute's value can be found in the ScaleAnimation array.


定数 説明
ScaleDrawable_drawable Reference to a drawable resource to draw with the specified scale.
ScaleDrawable_scaleGravity Specifies where the drawable is positioned after scaling.
ScaleDrawable_scaleHeight Scale height, expressed as a percentage of the drawable's bound.
ScaleDrawable_scaleWidth Scale width, expressed as a percentage of the drawable's bound.
ScaleDrawable_useIntrinsicSizeAsMinimum Use the drawable's intrinsic width and height as minimum size values.


定数 説明
ScrollView_fillViewport Defines whether the scrollview should stretch its content to fill the viewport.


定数 説明
SearchView_iconifiedByDefault The default state of the SearchView.
SearchView_maxWidth An optional maximum width of the SearchView.
SearchView_queryHint An optional query hint string to be displayed in the empty query field.


定数 説明
SearchableActionKey_keycode This attribute denotes the action key you wish to respond to.
SearchableActionKey_queryActionMsg If you wish to handle an action key during normal search query entry, you must define an action string here.
SearchableActionKey_suggestActionMsg If you wish to handle an action key while a suggestion is being displayed and selected, there are two ways to handle this.
SearchableActionKey_suggestActionMsgColumn If you wish to handle an action key while a suggestion is being displayed and selected, but you do not wish to enable this action key for every suggestion, then you can use this attribute to control it on a suggestion-by-suggestion basis.


定数 説明
Searchable_autoUrlDetect If provided and true, URLs entered in the search dialog while searching within this activity would be detected and treated as URLs (show a 'go' button in the keyboard and invoke the browser directly when user launches the URL instead of passing the URL to the activity).
Searchable_hint If supplied, this string will be displayed as a hint to the user.
Searchable_icon This is deprecated.
Searchable_imeOptions Additional features you can enable in an IME associated with an editor to improve the integration with your application.
Searchable_includeInGlobalSearch If provided and true, this searchable activity will be included in any global lists of search targets.
Searchable_inputType The type of data being placed in a text field, used to help an input method decide how to let the user enter text.
Searchable_label This is the user-displayed name of the searchable activity.
Searchable_queryAfterZeroResults If provided and true, this searchable activity will be invoked for all queries in a particular session.
Searchable_searchButtonText If supplied, this string will be displayed as the text of the "Search" button.
Searchable_searchMode Additional features are controlled by mode bits in this field.
Searchable_searchSettingsDescription If provided, this string will be used to describe the searchable item in the searchable items settings within system search settings.
Searchable_searchSuggestAuthority If provided, this is the trigger indicating that the searchable activity provides suggestions as well.
Searchable_searchSuggestIntentAction If provided, and not overridden by an action in the selected suggestion, this string will be placed in the action field of the Intent when the user clicks a suggestion.
Searchable_searchSuggestIntentData If provided, and not overridden by an action in the selected suggestion, this string will be placed in the data field of the Intent when the user clicks a suggestion.
Searchable_searchSuggestPath If provided, this will be inserted in the suggestions query Uri, after the authority you have provide but before the standard suggestions path.
Searchable_searchSuggestSelection If provided, suggestion queries will be passed into your query function as the selection parameter.
Searchable_searchSuggestThreshold If provided, this is the minimum number of characters needed to trigger search suggestions.
Searchable_voiceLanguage If provided, this specifies the spoken language to be expected, and that it will be different than the one set in the getDefault().
Searchable_voiceLanguageModel If provided, this specifies the language model that should be used by the voice recognition system.
Searchable_voiceMaxResults If provided, enforces the maximum number of results to return, including the "best" result which will always be provided as the SEARCH intent's primary query.
Searchable_voicePromptText If provided, this specifies a prompt that will be displayed during voice input.
Searchable_voiceSearchMode Voice search features are controlled by mode bits in this field.


定数 説明
SeekBar_thumb Draws the thumb on a seekbar.
SeekBar_thumbOffset An offset for the thumb that allows it to extend out of the range of the track.


定数 説明
ShapeDrawablePadding_bottom Bottom padding.
ShapeDrawablePadding_left Left padding.
ShapeDrawablePadding_right Right padding.
ShapeDrawablePadding_top Top padding.


定数 説明
ShapeDrawable_color Defines the color of the shape.
ShapeDrawable_dither Enables or disables dithering.
ShapeDrawable_height Defines the height of the shape.
ShapeDrawable_width Defines the width of the shape.


定数 説明
SlidingDrawer_allowSingleTap Indicates whether the drawer can be opened/closed by a single tap on the handle.
SlidingDrawer_animateOnClick Indicates whether the drawer should be opened/closed with an animation when the user clicks the handle.
SlidingDrawer_bottomOffset Extra offset for the handle at the bottom of the SlidingDrawer.
SlidingDrawer_content Identifier for the child that represents the drawer's content.
SlidingDrawer_handle Identifier for the child that represents the drawer's handle.
SlidingDrawer_orientation Orientation of the SlidingDrawer.
SlidingDrawer_topOffset Extra offset for the handle at the top of the SlidingDrawer.


定数 説明
SlidingTab_orientation Use "horizontal" for a row, "vertical" for a column.


定数 説明
Spinner_dropDownHorizontalOffset Horizontal offset from the spinner widget for positioning the dropdown in spinnerMode="dropdown".
Spinner_dropDownSelector List selector to use for spinnerMode="dropdown" display.
Spinner_dropDownVerticalOffset Vertical offset from the spinner widget for positioning the dropdown in spinnerMode="dropdown".
Spinner_dropDownWidth Width of the dropdown in spinnerMode="dropdown".
Spinner_gravity Gravity setting for positioning the currently selected item.
Spinner_popupBackground Background drawable to use for the dropdown in spinnerMode="dropdown".
Spinner_prompt The prompt to display when the spinner's dialog is shown.
Spinner_spinnerMode Display mode for spinner options.


定数 説明
StateListDrawable_constantSize If true, the drawable's reported internal size will remain constant as the state changes; the size is the maximum of all of the states.
StateListDrawable_dither Enables or disables dithering of the bitmap if the bitmap does not have the same pixel configuration as the screen (for instance: a ARGB 8888 bitmap with an RGB 565 screen).
StateListDrawable_enterFadeDuration Amount of time (in milliseconds) to fade in a new state drawable.
StateListDrawable_exitFadeDuration Amount of time (in milliseconds) to fade out an old state drawable.
StateListDrawable_variablePadding If true, allows the drawable's padding to change based on the current state that is selected.
StateListDrawable_visible Indicates whether the drawable should be initially visible.


定数 説明
Switch_textOff Text to use when the switch is in the unchecked/"off" state.
Switch_textOn Text to use when the switch is in the checked/"on" state.


定数 説明
SyncAdapter_accountType The account type this authenticator handles.
SyncAdapter_allowParallelSyncs Set to true to tell the SyncManager that this SyncAdapter supports multiple simultaneous syncs for the same account type and authority.
SyncAdapter_contentAuthority the authority of a content provider.
SyncAdapter_isAlwaysSyncable Set to true to tell the SyncManager to automatically call setIsSyncable(..., ..., 1) for the SyncAdapter instead of issuaing an initialization sync to the SyncAdapter.
SyncAdapter_supportsUploading This symbol is the offset where the supportsUploading attribute's value can be found in the SyncAdapter array.
SyncAdapter_userVisible This symbol is the offset where the userVisible attribute's value can be found in the SyncAdapter array.


定数 説明
TabWidget_divider Drawable used to draw the divider between tabs.
TabWidget_tabStripEnabled Determines whether the strip under the tab indicators is drawn or not.
TabWidget_tabStripLeft Drawable used to draw the left part of the strip underneath the tabs.
TabWidget_tabStripRight Drawable used to draw the right part of the strip underneath the tabs.


定数 説明
TableLayout_collapseColumns The zero-based index of the columns to collapse.
TableLayout_shrinkColumns The zero-based index of the columns to shrink.
TableLayout_stretchColumns The zero-based index of the columns to stretch.


定数 説明
TableRow_Cell_layout_column The index of the column in which this child should be.
TableRow_Cell_layout_span Defines how many columns this child should span.


定数 説明
TextAppearance_textColor Text color.
TextAppearance_textColorHighlight Color of the text selection highlight.
TextAppearance_textColorHint Color of the hint text.
TextAppearance_textColorLink Color of the links.
TextAppearance_textSize Size of the text.
TextAppearance_textStyle Style (bold, italic, bolditalic) for the text.
TextAppearance_typeface Typeface (normal, sans, serif, monospace) for the text.


定数 説明
TextViewMultiLineBackgroundState_state_multiline State identifier indicating a TextView has a multi-line layout.


定数 説明
TextView_autoLink Controls whether links such as urls and email addresses are automatically found and converted to clickable links.
TextView_autoText If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and automatically corrects some common spelling errors.
TextView_bufferType Determines the minimum type that getText() will return.
TextView_capitalize If set, specifies that this TextView has a textual input method and should automatically capitalize what the user types.
TextView_cursorVisible Makes the cursor visible (the default) or invisible.
TextView_digits If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method and that these specific characters are the ones that it will accept.
TextView_drawableBottom The drawable to be drawn below the text.
TextView_drawableLeft The drawable to be drawn to the left of the text.
TextView_drawablePadding The padding between the drawables and the text.
TextView_drawableRight The drawable to be drawn to the right of the text.
TextView_drawableTop The drawable to be drawn above the text.
TextView_editable If set, specifies that this TextView has an input method.
TextView_editorExtras Reference to an <input-extras> XML resource containing additional data to supply to an input method, which is private to the implementation of the input method.
TextView_ellipsize If set, causes words that are longer than the view is wide to be ellipsized instead of broken in the middle.
TextView_ems Makes the TextView be exactly this many ems wide.
TextView_enabled Specifies whether the TextView is enabled or not.
TextView_freezesText If set, the text view will include its current complete text inside of its frozen icicle in addition to meta-data such as the current cursor position.
TextView_gravity Specifies how to align the text by the view's x- and/or y-axis when the text is smaller than the view.
TextView_height Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels tall.
TextView_hint Hint text to display when the text is empty.
TextView_imeActionId Supply a value for EditorInfo.actionId used when an input method is connected to the text view.
TextView_imeActionLabel Supply a value for EditorInfo.actionLabel used when an input method is connected to the text view.
TextView_imeOptions Additional features you can enable in an IME associated with an editor to improve the integration with your application.
TextView_includeFontPadding Leave enough room for ascenders and descenders instead of using the font ascent and descent strictly.
TextView_inputMethod If set, specifies that this TextView should use the specified input method (specified by fully-qualified class name).
TextView_inputType The type of data being placed in a text field, used to help an input method decide how to let the user enter text.
TextView_lineSpacingExtra Extra spacing between lines of text.
TextView_lineSpacingMultiplier Extra spacing between lines of text, as a multiplier.
TextView_lines Makes the TextView be exactly this many lines tall.
TextView_linksClickable If set to false, keeps the movement method from being set to the link movement method even if autoLink causes links to be found.
TextView_marqueeRepeatLimit The number of times to repeat the marquee animation.
TextView_maxEms Makes the TextView be at most this many ems wide.
TextView_maxHeight Makes the TextView be at most this many pixels tall.
TextView_maxLength Set an input filter to constrain the text length to the specified number.
TextView_maxLines Makes the TextView be at most this many lines tall.
TextView_maxWidth Makes the TextView be at most this many pixels wide.
TextView_minEms Makes the TextView be at least this many ems wide.
TextView_minHeight Makes the TextView be at least this many pixels tall.
TextView_minLines Makes the TextView be at least this many lines tall.
TextView_minWidth Makes the TextView be at least this many pixels wide.
TextView_numeric If set, specifies that this TextView has a numeric input method.
TextView_password Whether the characters of the field are displayed as password dots instead of themselves.
TextView_phoneNumber If set, specifies that this TextView has a phone number input method.
TextView_privateImeOptions An addition content type description to supply to the input method attached to the text view, which is private to the implementation of the input method.
TextView_scrollHorizontally Whether the text is allowed to be wider than the view (and therefore can be scrolled horizontally).
TextView_selectAllOnFocus If the text is selectable, select it all when the view takes focus instead of moving the cursor to the start or end.
TextView_shadowColor Place a shadow of the specified color behind the text.
TextView_shadowDx Horizontal offset of the shadow.
TextView_shadowDy Vertical offset of the shadow.
TextView_shadowRadius Radius of the shadow.
TextView_singleLine Constrains the text to a single horizontally scrolling line instead of letting it wrap onto multiple lines, and advances focus instead of inserting a newline when you press the enter key.
TextView_text Text to display.
TextView_textAppearance Base text color, typeface, size, and style.
TextView_textColor Text color.
TextView_textColorHighlight Color of the text selection highlight.
TextView_textColorHint Color of the hint text.
TextView_textColorLink Text color for links.
TextView_textCursorDrawable Reference to a drawable that will be drawn under the insertion cursor.
TextView_textEditNoPasteWindowLayout Variation of textEditPasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty.
TextView_textEditPasteWindowLayout The layout of the view that is displayed on top of the cursor to paste inside a TextEdit field.
TextView_textEditSideNoPasteWindowLayout Variation of textEditSidePasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty.
TextView_textEditSidePasteWindowLayout Used instead of textEditPasteWindowLayout when the window is moved on the side of the insertion cursor because it would be clipped if it were positioned on top.
TextView_textIsSelectable Indicates that the content of a non-editable text can be selected.
TextView_textScaleX Sets the horizontal scaling factor for the text.
TextView_textSelectHandle Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor for positioning the cursor within text.
TextView_textSelectHandleLeft Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the left side of a selection region.
TextView_textSelectHandleRight Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the right side of a selection region.
TextView_textSize Size of the text.
TextView_textStyle Style (bold, italic, bolditalic) for the text.
TextView_typeface Typeface (normal, sans, serif, monospace) for the text.
TextView_width Makes the TextView be exactly this many pixels wide.


定数 説明
Theme_absListViewStyle Default AbsListView style.
Theme_actionBarSize Size of the Action Bar, including the contextual bar used to present Action Modes.
Theme_actionBarStyle Reference to a style for the Action Bar Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_actionBarTabBarStyle This symbol is the offset where the actionBarTabBarStyle attribute's value can be found in the Theme array.
Theme_actionBarTabStyle Default style for tabs within an action bar Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_actionBarTabTextStyle This symbol is the offset where the actionBarTabTextStyle attribute's value can be found in the Theme array.
Theme_actionButtonStyle Default action button style.
Theme_actionDropDownStyle Default ActionBar dropdown style.
Theme_actionMenuTextAppearance TextAppearance style that will be applied to text that appears within action menu items.
Theme_actionMenuTextColor Color for text that appears within action menu items.
Theme_actionModeBackground Background drawable to use for action mode UI Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_actionModeCloseButtonStyle This symbol is the offset where the actionModeCloseButtonStyle attribute's value can be found in the Theme array.
Theme_actionModeCloseDrawable Drawable to use for the close action mode button Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_actionModeCopyDrawable Drawable to use for the Copy action button in Contextual Action Bar Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_actionModeCutDrawable Drawable to use for the Cut action button in Contextual Action Bar Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_actionModePasteDrawable Drawable to use for the Paste action button in Contextual Action Bar Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_actionOverflowButtonStyle This symbol is the offset where the actionOverflowButtonStyle attribute's value can be found in the Theme array.
Theme_activatedBackgroundIndicator Drawable used as a background for activated items.
Theme_alertDialogIcon Icon drawable to use for alerts Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_alertDialogStyle This symbol is the offset where the alertDialogStyle attribute's value can be found in the Theme array.
Theme_alertDialogTheme Theme to use for alert dialogs spawned from this theme.
Theme_autoCompleteTextViewStyle Default AutoCompleteTextView style.
Theme_backgroundDimAmount Default background dim amount when a menu, dialog, or something similar pops up.
Theme_backgroundDimEnabled Control whether dimming behind the window is enabled.
Theme_borderlessButtonStyle Style for buttons without an explicit border, often used in groups.
Theme_buttonBarButtonStyle Style for buttons within button bars Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_buttonBarStyle Style for button bars Must be a reference to another resource, in the form "@[+][package:]type:name" or to a theme attribute in the form "?[package:][type:]name".
Theme_buttonStyle Normal Button style.
Theme_buttonStyleInset Button style to inset into an EditText.
Theme_buttonStyleSmall Small Button style.
Theme_buttonStyleToggle ToggleButton style.
Theme_calendarViewStyle The CalndarView style.
Theme_candidatesTextStyleSpans A styled string, specifying the style to be used for showing inline candidate text when composing with an input method.
Theme_checkBoxPreferenceStyle Default style for CheckBoxPreference.
Theme_checkboxStyle Default Checkbox style.
Theme_colorBackground Color that matches (as closely as possible) the window background.
Theme_colorBackgroundCacheHint This is a hint for a solid color that can be used for caching rendered views.
Theme_colorForeground Default color of foreground imagery.
Theme_colorForegroundInverse Default color of foreground imagery on an inverted background.
Theme_datePickerStyle The DatePicker style.
Theme_detailsElementBackground Background that can be used behind parts of a UI that provide details on data the user is selecting.
Theme_dialogPreferenceStyle Default style for DialogPreference.
Theme_dialogTheme Theme to use for dialogs spawned from this theme.
Theme_disabledAlpha Default disabled alpha for widgets that set enabled/disabled alpha programmatically.
Theme_dividerHorizontal Drawable to use for generic horizontal dividers.
Theme_dividerVertical Drawable to use for generic vertical dividers.
Theme_dropDownHintAppearance Default style for drop down hints.
Theme_dropDownItemStyle Default style for drop down items.
Theme_dropDownListViewStyle Default ListView style for drop downs.
Theme_dropDownSpinnerStyle Default dropdown Spinner style.
Theme_editTextBackground EditText background drawable.
Theme_editTextColor EditText text foreground color.
Theme_editTextPreferenceStyle Default style for EditTextPreference.
Theme_editTextStyle Default EditText style.
Theme_expandableListPreferredChildIndicatorLeft The preferred left bound for an expandable list child's indicator.
Theme_expandableListPreferredChildIndicatorRight The preferred right bound for an expandable list child's indicator.
Theme_expandableListPreferredChildPaddingLeft The preferred left padding for an expandable list item that is a child.
Theme_expandableListPreferredItemIndicatorLeft The preferred left bound for an expandable list item's indicator.
Theme_expandableListPreferredItemIndicatorRight The preferred right bound for an expandable list item's indicator.
Theme_expandableListPreferredItemPaddingLeft The preferred left padding for an expandable list item (for child-specific layouts, use expandableListPreferredChildPaddingLeft).
Theme_expandableListViewStyle Default ExpandableListView style.
Theme_expandableListViewWhiteStyle ExpandableListView with white background.
Theme_fastScrollOverlayPosition Position of the fast scroll index overlay window.
Theme_fastScrollPreviewBackgroundLeft Drawable to use as the fast scroll index preview window background when shown on the left.
Theme_fastScrollPreviewBackgroundRight Drawable to use as the fast scroll index preview window background when shown on the right.
Theme_fastScrollTextColor Text color for the fast scroll index overlay.
Theme_fastScrollThumbDrawable Drawable to use as the fast scroll thumb.
Theme_fastScrollTrackDrawable Drawable to use as the track for the fast scroll thumb.
Theme_galleryItemBackground The preferred background for gallery items.
Theme_galleryStyle Default Gallery style.
Theme_gridViewStyle Default GridView style.
Theme_homeAsUpIndicator Specifies a drawable to use for the 'home as up' indicator.
Theme_horizontalScrollViewStyle Default HorizontalScrollView style.
Theme_imageButtonStyle The style resource to use for an ImageButton.
Theme_imageWellStyle The style resource to use for an ImageButton that is an image well.
Theme_listChoiceBackgroundIndicator Drawable used as a background for selected list items.
Theme_listChoiceIndicatorMultiple Drawable to use for multiple choice indicators.
Theme_listChoiceIndicatorSingle Drawable to use for single choice indicators.
Theme_listDivider This symbol is the offset where the listDivider attribute's value can be found in the Theme array.
Theme_listDividerAlertDialog The list divider used in alert dialogs.
Theme_listPopupWindowStyle Default ListPopupWindow style.
Theme_listPreferredItemHeight The preferred list item height.
Theme_listSeparatorTextViewStyle TextView style for list separators.
Theme_listViewStyle Default ListView style.
Theme_listViewWhiteStyle ListView with white background.
Theme_mapViewStyle Default MapView style.
Theme_panelBackground The background of a panel when it is inset from the left and right edges of the screen.
Theme_panelColorBackground Color that matches (as closely as possible) the panel background.
Theme_panelColorForeground Default color of foreground panel imagery.
Theme_panelFullBackground The background of a panel when it extends to the left and right edges of the screen.
Theme_panelTextAppearance Default appearance of panel text.
Theme_popupMenuStyle Default PopupMenu style.
Theme_popupWindowStyle Default PopupWindow style.
Theme_preferenceCategoryStyle Default style for PreferenceCategory.
Theme_preferenceInformationStyle Default style for informational Preference.
Theme_preferenceLayoutChild The preference layout that has the child/tabbed effect.
Theme_preferenceScreenStyle Default style for PreferenceScreen.
Theme_preferenceStyle Default style for Preference.
Theme_progressBarStyle Default ProgressBar style.
Theme_progressBarStyleHorizontal Horizontal ProgressBar style.
Theme_progressBarStyleInverse Inverse ProgressBar style.
Theme_progressBarStyleLarge Large ProgressBar style.
Theme_progressBarStyleLargeInverse Large inverse ProgressBar style.
Theme_progressBarStyleSmall Small ProgressBar style.
Theme_progressBarStyleSmallInverse Small inverse ProgressBar style.
Theme_progressBarStyleSmallTitle Small ProgressBar in title style.
Theme_quickContactBadgeStyleSmallWindowLarge Default quickcontact badge style with large quickcontact window.
Theme_quickContactBadgeStyleSmallWindowMedium Default quickcontact badge style with medium quickcontact window.
Theme_quickContactBadgeStyleSmallWindowSmall Default quickcontact badge style with small quickcontact window.
Theme_quickContactBadgeStyleWindowLarge Default quickcontact badge style with large quickcontact window.
Theme_quickContactBadgeStyleWindowMedium Default quickcontact badge style with medium quickcontact window.
Theme_quickContactBadgeStyleWindowSmall Default quickcontact badge style with small quickcontact window.
Theme_radioButtonStyle Default RadioButton style.
Theme_ratingBarStyle Default RatingBar style.
Theme_ratingBarStyleIndicator Indicator RatingBar style.
Theme_ratingBarStyleSmall Small indicator RatingBar style.
Theme_ringtonePreferenceStyle Default style for RingtonePreference.
Theme_scrollViewStyle Default ScrollView style.
Theme_seekBarStyle Default SeekBar style.
Theme_segmentedButtonStyle Style for segmented buttons - a container that houses several buttons with the appearance of a singel button broken into segments.
Theme_selectableItemBackground Background drawable for standalone items that need focus/pressed states.
Theme_spinnerDropDownItemStyle Default style for spinner drop down items.
Theme_spinnerItemStyle Default spinner item style.
Theme_spinnerStyle Default Spinner style.
Theme_starStyle Default Star style.
Theme_tabWidgetStyle Default TabWidget style.
Theme_textAppearance Default appearance of text: color, typeface, size, and style.
Theme_textAppearanceButton Text color, typeface, size, and style for the text inside of a button.
Theme_textAppearanceInverse Default appearance of text against an inverted background: color, typeface, size, and style.
Theme_textAppearanceLarge Text color, typeface, size, and style for "large" text.
Theme_textAppearanceLargeInverse Text color, typeface, size, and style for "large" inverse text.
Theme_textAppearanceLargePopupMenu Text color, typeface, size, and style for the text inside of a popup menu.
Theme_textAppearanceMedium Text color, typeface, size, and style for "medium" text.
Theme_textAppearanceMediumInverse Text color, typeface, size, and style for "medium" inverse text.
Theme_textAppearanceSearchResultSubtitle Text color, typeface, size, and style for system search result subtitle.
Theme_textAppearanceSearchResultTitle Text color, typeface, size, and style for system search result title.
Theme_textAppearanceSmall Text color, typeface, size, and style for "small" text.
Theme_textAppearanceSmallInverse Text color, typeface, size, and style for "small" inverse text.
Theme_textAppearanceSmallPopupMenu Text color, typeface, size, and style for small text inside of a popup menu.
Theme_textCheckMark Drawable to use for check marks.
Theme_textCheckMarkInverse This symbol is the offset where the textCheckMarkInverse attribute's value can be found in the Theme array.
Theme_textColorAlertDialogListItem Color of list item text in alert dialogs.
Theme_textColorHighlightInverse Color of highlighted text, when used in a light theme.
Theme_textColorHintInverse Inverse hint text color.
Theme_textColorLinkInverse Color of link text (URLs), when used in a light theme.
Theme_textColorPrimary The most prominent text color.
Theme_textColorPrimaryDisableOnly Bright text color.
Theme_textColorPrimaryInverse Primary inverse text color, useful for inverted backgrounds.
Theme_textColorPrimaryInverseDisableOnly Bright inverse text color.
Theme_textColorPrimaryInverseNoDisable Bright inverse text color.
Theme_textColorPrimaryNoDisable Bright text color.
Theme_textColorSecondary Secondary text color.
Theme_textColorSecondaryInverse Secondary inverse text color, useful for inverted backgrounds.
Theme_textColorSecondaryInverseNoDisable Dim inverse text color.
Theme_textColorSecondaryNoDisable Dim text color.
Theme_textColorTertiary Tertiary text color.
Theme_textColorTertiaryInverse Tertiary inverse text color, useful for inverted backgrounds.
Theme_textEditNoPasteWindowLayout Variation of textEditPasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty.
Theme_textEditPasteWindowLayout The layout of the view that is displayed on top of the cursor to paste inside a TextEdit field.
Theme_textEditSideNoPasteWindowLayout Variation of textEditSidePasteWindowLayout displayed when the clipboard is empty.
Theme_textEditSidePasteWindowLayout Used instead of textEditPasteWindowLayout when the window is moved on the side of the insertion cursor because it would be clipped if it were positioned on top.
Theme_textSelectHandle Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor for positioning the cursor within text.
Theme_textSelectHandleLeft Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the left side of a selection region.
Theme_textSelectHandleRight Reference to a drawable that will be used to display a text selection anchor on the right side of a selection region.
Theme_textSelectHandleWindowStyle Reference to a style that will be used for the window containing a text selection anchor.
Theme_textViewStyle Default TextView style.
Theme_webTextViewStyle Default WebTextView style.
Theme_webViewStyle Default WebView style.
Theme_windowActionBar Flag indicating whether this window should have an Action Bar in place of the usual title bar.
Theme_windowActionBarOverlay Flag indicating whether this window's Action Bar should overlay application content.
Theme_windowActionModeOverlay Flag indicating whether action modes should overlay window content when there is not reserved space for their UI (such as an Action Bar).
Theme_windowAnimationStyle Reference to a style resource holding the set of window animations to use, which can be any of the attributes defined by WindowAnimation.
Theme_windowBackground Drawable to use as the overall window background.
Theme_windowCloseOnTouchOutside Control whether a container should automatically close itself if the user touches outside of it.
Theme_windowContentOverlay This Drawable is overlaid over the foreground of the Window's content area, usually to place a shadow below the title.
Theme_windowDisablePreview Flag allowing you to disable the preview animation for a window.
Theme_windowEnableSplitTouch Flag indicating that this window should allow touches to be split across other windows that also support split touch.
Theme_windowFrame Drawable to use as a frame around the window.
Theme_windowFullscreen Flag indicating whether this window should fill the entire screen.
Theme_windowIsFloating Flag indicating whether this is a floating window.
Theme_windowIsTranslucent Flag indicating whether this is a translucent window.
Theme_windowNoDisplay Flag indicating that this window should not be displayed at all.
Theme_windowNoTitle Flag indicating whether there should be no title on this window.
Theme_windowShowWallpaper Flag indicating that this window's background should be the user's current wallpaper.
Theme_windowSoftInputMode Defines the default soft input state that this window would like when it is displayed.
Theme_windowTitleBackgroundStyle The style resource to use for a window's title area.
Theme_windowTitleSize The style resource to use for a window's title bar height.
Theme_windowTitleStyle The style resource to use for a window's title text.
Theme_yesNoPreferenceStyle Default style for YesNoPreference.


定数 説明
ToggleButton_disabledAlpha The alpha to apply to the indicator when disabled.
ToggleButton_textOff The text for the button when it is not checked.
ToggleButton_textOn The text for the button when it is checked.


定数 説明
TranslateAnimation_fromXDelta This symbol is the offset where the fromXDelta attribute's value can be found in the TranslateAnimation array.
TranslateAnimation_fromYDelta This symbol is the offset where the fromYDelta attribute's value can be found in the TranslateAnimation array.
TranslateAnimation_toXDelta This symbol is the offset where the toXDelta attribute's value can be found in the TranslateAnimation array.
TranslateAnimation_toYDelta This symbol is the offset where the toYDelta attribute's value can be found in the TranslateAnimation array.


定数 説明
TwoLineListItem_mode This symbol is the offset where the mode attribute's value can be found in the TwoLineListItem array.


定数 説明
VerticalSlider_Layout_layout_scale This symbol is the offset where the layout_scale attribute's value can be found in the VerticalSlider_Layout array.


定数 説明
ViewAnimator_animateFirstView Defines whether to animate the current View when the ViewAnimation is first displayed.
ViewAnimator_inAnimation Identifier for the animation to use when a view is shown.
ViewAnimator_outAnimation Identifier for the animation to use when a view is hidden.


定数 説明
ViewDrawableStates_state_accelerated State value for StateListDrawable, indicating that the Drawable is in a view that is hardware accelerated.
ViewDrawableStates_state_activated State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view or its parent has been "activated" meaning the user has currently marked it as being of interest.
ViewDrawableStates_state_enabled State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view is enabled.
ViewDrawableStates_state_focused State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view has input focus.
ViewDrawableStates_state_pressed State value for StateListDrawable, set when the user is pressing down in a view.
ViewDrawableStates_state_selected State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view (or one of its parents) is currently selected.
ViewDrawableStates_state_window_focused State value for StateListDrawable, set when a view's window has input focus.


定数 説明
ViewFlipper_autoStart When true, automatically start animating Must be a boolean value, either "true" or "false".
ViewFlipper_flipInterval This symbol is the offset where the flipInterval attribute's value can be found in the ViewFlipper array.


定数 説明
ViewGroup_Layout_layout_height Specifies the basic height of the view.
ViewGroup_Layout_layout_width Specifies the basic width of the view.
ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_height Specifies the basic height of the view.
ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_margin Specifies extra space on the left, top, right and bottom sides of this view.
ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginBottom Specifies extra space on the bottom side of this view.
ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginLeft Specifies extra space on the left side of this view.
ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginRight Specifies extra space on the right side of this view.
ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_marginTop Specifies extra space on the top side of this view.
ViewGroup_MarginLayout_layout_width Specifies the basic width of the view.
ViewGroup_addStatesFromChildren Sets whether this ViewGroup's drawable states also include its children's drawable states.
ViewGroup_alwaysDrawnWithCache Defines whether the ViewGroup should always draw its children using their drawing cache or not.
ViewGroup_animateLayoutChanges Defines whether changes in layout (caused by adding and removing items) should cause a LayoutTransition to run.
ViewGroup_animationCache Defines whether layout animations should create a drawing cache for their children.
ViewGroup_clipChildren Defines whether a child is limited to draw inside of its bounds or not.
ViewGroup_clipToPadding Defines whether the ViewGroup will clip its drawing surface so as to exclude the padding area.
ViewGroup_descendantFocusability Defines the relationship between the ViewGroup and its descendants when looking for a View to take focus.
ViewGroup_layoutAnimation Defines the layout animation to use the first time the ViewGroup is laid out.
ViewGroup_persistentDrawingCache Defines the persistence of the drawing cache.
ViewGroup_splitMotionEvents Sets whether this ViewGroup should split MotionEvents to separate child views during touch event dispatch.


定数 説明
ViewStub_inflatedId Overrides the id of the inflated View with this value.
ViewStub_layout Supply an identifier for the layout resource to inflate when the ViewStub becomes visible or when forced to do so.


定数 説明
View_alpha alpha property of the view, as a value between 0 (completely transparent) and 1 (completely opaque).
View_background A drawable to use as the background.
View_clickable Defines whether this view reacts to click events.
View_contentDescription Defines text that briefly describes content of the view.
View_drawingCacheQuality Defines the quality of translucent drawing caches.
View_duplicateParentState When this attribute is set to true, the view gets its drawable state (focused, pressed, etc.) from its direct parent rather than from itself.
View_fadeScrollbars Defines whether to fade out scrollbars when they are not in use.
View_fadingEdge Defines which edges should be fadeded on scrolling.
View_fadingEdgeLength Defines the length of the fading edges.
View_filterTouchesWhenObscured Specifies whether to filter touches when the view's window is obscured by another visible window.
View_fitsSystemWindows Boolean internal attribute to adjust view layout based on system windows such as the status bar.
View_focusable Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus.
View_focusableInTouchMode Boolean that controls whether a view can take focus while in touch mode.
View_hapticFeedbackEnabled Boolean that controls whether a view should have haptic feedback enabled for events such as long presses.
View_id Supply an identifier name for this view, to later retrieve it with View.findViewById() or Activity.findViewById().
View_isScrollContainer Set this if the view will serve as a scrolling container, meaing that it can be resized to shrink its overall window so that there will be space for an input method.
View_keepScreenOn Controls whether the view's window should keep the screen on while visible.
View_layerType Specifies the type of layer backing this view.
View_longClickable Defines whether this view reacts to long click events.
View_minHeight Defines the minimum height of the view.
View_minWidth Defines the minimum width of the view.
View_nextFocusDown Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_DOWN If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed.
View_nextFocusForward Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_FORWARD If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed.
View_nextFocusLeft Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_LEFT.
View_nextFocusRight Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_RIGHT If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed.
View_nextFocusUp Defines the next view to give focus to when the next focus is FOCUS_UP If the reference refers to a view that does not exist or is part of a hierarchy that is invisible, a RuntimeException will result when the reference is accessed.
View_onClick Name of the method in this View's context to invoke when the view is clicked.
View_overScrollMode Defines over-scrolling behavior.
View_padding Sets the padding, in pixels, of all four edges.
View_paddingBottom Sets the padding, in pixels, of the bottom edge; see padding.
View_paddingLeft Sets the padding, in pixels, of the left edge; see padding.
View_paddingRight Sets the padding, in pixels, of the right edge; see padding.
View_paddingTop Sets the padding, in pixels, of the top edge; see padding.
View_rotation rotation of the view, in degrees.
View_rotationX rotation of the view around the x axis, in degrees.
View_rotationY rotation of the view around the y axis, in degrees.
View_saveEnabled If unset, no state will be saved for this view when it is being frozen.
View_scaleX scale of the view in the x direction.
View_scaleY scale of the view in the y direction.
View_scrollX The initial horizontal scroll offset, in pixels.
View_scrollY The initial vertical scroll offset, in pixels.
View_scrollbarAlwaysDrawHorizontalTrack Defines whether the horizontal scrollbar track should always be drawn.
View_scrollbarAlwaysDrawVerticalTrack Defines whether the vertical scrollbar track should always be drawn.
View_scrollbarDefaultDelayBeforeFade Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar waits before fade out.
View_scrollbarFadeDuration Defines the delay in milliseconds that a scrollbar takes to fade out.
View_scrollbarSize Sets the width of vertical scrollbars and height of horizontal scrollbars.
View_scrollbarStyle Controls the scrollbar style and position.
View_scrollbarThumbHorizontal Defines the horizontal scrollbar thumb drawable.
View_scrollbarThumbVertical Defines the vertical scrollbar thumb drawable.
View_scrollbarTrackHorizontal Defines the horizontal scrollbar track drawable.
View_scrollbarTrackVertical Defines the vertical scrollbar track drawable.
View_scrollbars Defines which scrollbars should be displayed on scrolling or not.
View_soundEffectsEnabled Boolean that controls whether a view should have sound effects enabled for events such as clicking and touching.
View_tag Supply a tag for this view containing a String, to be retrieved later with View.getTag() or searched for with View.findViewWithTag().
View_transformPivotX x location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale.
View_transformPivotY y location of the pivot point around which the view will rotate and scale.
View_translationX translation in x of the view.
View_translationY translation in y of the view.
View_verticalScrollbarPosition Determines which side the vertical scroll bar should be placed on.
View_visibility Controls the initial visibility of the view.


定数 説明
VolumePreference_streamType Different audio stream types.


定数 説明
WallpaperPreviewInfo_staticWallpaperPreview A resource id of a static drawable.


定数 説明
Wallpaper_author Name of the author of this component, e.g.
Wallpaper_description Short description of the component's purpose or behavior.
Wallpaper_settingsActivity Component name of an activity that allows the user to modify the settings for this service.
Wallpaper_thumbnail Reference to a the wallpaper's thumbnail bitmap.


定数 説明
WindowAnimation_activityCloseEnterAnimation When closing the current activity, this is the animation that is run on the next activity (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_activityCloseExitAnimation When closing the current activity, this is the animation that is run on the current activity (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_activityOpenEnterAnimation When opening a new activity, this is the animation that is run on the next activity (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_activityOpenExitAnimation When opening a new activity, this is the animation that is run on the previous activity (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_taskCloseEnterAnimation When closing the last activity of a task, this is the animation that is run on the activity of the next task (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_taskCloseExitAnimation When opening an activity in a new task, this is the animation that is run on the activity of the old task (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_taskOpenEnterAnimation When opening an activity in a new task, this is the animation that is run on the activity of the new task (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_taskOpenExitAnimation When opening an activity in a new task, this is the animation that is run on the activity of the old task (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_taskToBackEnterAnimation When sending the current task to the background, this is the animation that is run on the top activity of the task behind it (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_taskToBackExitAnimation When sending the current task to the background, this is the animation that is run on the top activity of the current task (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_taskToFrontEnterAnimation When bringing an existing task to the foreground, this is the animation that is run on the top activity of the task being brought to the foreground (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_taskToFrontExitAnimation When bringing an existing task to the foreground, this is the animation that is run on the current foreground activity (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_wallpaperCloseEnterAnimation When opening a new activity that hides the wallpaper, while currently showing the wallpaper, this is the animation that is run on the new activity (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_wallpaperCloseExitAnimation When opening a new activity that hides the wallpaper, while currently showing the wallpaper, this is the animation that is run on the old wallpaper activity (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_wallpaperIntraCloseEnterAnimation When closing a foreround activity that is on top of the wallpaper when the previous activity is also on top of the wallpaper, this is the animation that is run on the previous activity (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_wallpaperIntraCloseExitAnimation When closing a foreround activity that is on top of the wallpaper when the previous activity is also on top of the wallpaper, this is the animation that is run on the current activity (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_wallpaperIntraOpenEnterAnimation When opening a new activity that is on top of the wallpaper when the current activity is also on top of the wallpaper, this is the animation that is run on the new activity (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_wallpaperIntraOpenExitAnimation When opening a new activity that is on top of the wallpaper when the current activity is also on top of the wallpaper, this is the animation that is run on the current activity (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_wallpaperOpenEnterAnimation When opening a new activity that shows the wallpaper, while currently not showing the wallpaper, this is the animation that is run on the new wallpaper activity (which is entering the screen).
WindowAnimation_wallpaperOpenExitAnimation When opening a new activity that shows the wallpaper, while currently not showing the wallpaper, this is the animation that is run on the current activity (which is exiting the screen).
WindowAnimation_windowEnterAnimation The animation used when a window is being added.
WindowAnimation_windowExitAnimation The animation used when a window is being removed.
WindowAnimation_windowHideAnimation The animation used when a window is going from VISIBLE to INVISIBLE.
WindowAnimation_windowShowAnimation The animation used when a window is going from INVISIBLE to VISIBLE.


定数 説明
Window_backgroundDimAmount Default background dim amount when a menu, dialog, or something similar pops up.
Window_backgroundDimEnabled Control whether dimming behind the window is enabled.
Window_textColor Color of text (usually same as colorForeground).
Window_windowActionBar Flag indicating whether this window should have an Action Bar in place of the usual title bar.
Window_windowActionBarOverlay Flag indicating whether this window's Action Bar should overlay application content.
Window_windowActionModeOverlay Flag indicating whether action modes should overlay window content when there is not reserved space for their UI (such as an Action Bar).
Window_windowAnimationStyle Reference to a style resource holding the set of window animations to use, which can be any of the attributes defined by WindowAnimation.
Window_windowBackground Drawable to use as the overall window background.
Window_windowCloseOnTouchOutside Control whether a container should automatically close itself if the user touches outside of it.
Window_windowContentOverlay This Drawable is overlaid over the foreground of the Window's content area, usually to place a shadow below the title.
Window_windowDisablePreview Flag allowing you to disable the preview animation for a window.
Window_windowEnableSplitTouch Flag indicating that this window should allow touches to be split across other windows that also support split touch.
Window_windowFrame Drawable to use as a frame around the window.
Window_windowFullscreen Flag indicating whether this window should fill the entire screen.
Window_windowIsFloating Flag indicating whether this is a floating window.
Window_windowIsTranslucent Flag indicating whether this is a translucent window.
Window_windowMinWidthMajor The minimum width the window is allowed to be, along the major axis of the screen.
Window_windowMinWidthMinor The minimum width the window is allowed to be, along the minor axis of the screen.
Window_windowNoDisplay Flag indicating that this window should not be displayed at all.
Window_windowNoTitle Flag indicating whether there should be no title on this window.
Window_windowShowWallpaper Flag indicating that this window's background should be the user's current wallpaper.
Window_windowSoftInputMode Defines the default soft input state that this window would like when it is displayed.