SAL (Source-code Annotation Language)


カテゴリ 引数の注釈 説明
呼び出された関数への入力 _In_ Data is passed to the called function, and is treated as read-only.
呼び出された関数への入力と、呼び出し元への出力 _Inout_ Usable data is passed into the function and potentially is modified.
呼び出し元への出力 _Out_ The caller only provides space for the called function to write to. The called function writes data into that space.
呼び出し元へのポインタの出力 _Outptr_ Like Output to caller. The value that's returned by the called function is a pointer.
SAL Basics - Understanding SAL | Microsoft Learn


Annotating function parameters and return values | Microsoft Learn


Annotating function behavior | Microsoft Learn
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