Custom Style Script




Custom Style Script (Inject desired CSS or JS) – Firefox 向けアドオン


# URL Domain Top Tab JavaScript Code Style (CSS) Active Delete
1 × window.addEventListener("load", function() {alert("Google is Loaded!")}, false); #main {background-color: yellow}   ×
# shows the code number.
URL where you put the desired URL. If you want to include all URLs, simply add start (*) to the filed.
Domain If you check this the given URL will be converted to domain. In other words, the added style and script code will be applied to all domains matching the domain derived from the given URL. If you check column
Top the addon uses document.location.href as the top URL (for all iframes as-well-as the main page) to check against the added URL. In other words, the addon checks whether "document.location.href" matches the given URL or not, and if it matches, the code will be injected to the page (or iframe).
Tab If you check this the addon uses Tab URL as the top URL for all iframes and the main page. In other words, the addon checks whether "Tab URL" matches the given URL or not, and if it matches, the code will be injected to the page and all iframes within the page.
JavaScript Code the JavaScript code.
Style (CSS) the CSS (style) code.
Active this is to activate or inactivate the code, dark color indicates an active and light color indicates an inactive code (clicking the button will swap its color).
Delete this is to permanently delete a code item.


設定値は、プロファイル フォルダbrowser-extension-data\jid0-oGwU3HseoJhnGw4Kk3gSx@jetpack\storage.jsにあります。

Firefox 66以降、拡張機能の情報はIndexedDBで管理されるようになったため、この場所に設定値はありません。1406181 - Use indexedDB as the backend for storage.local
