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ppm (Perl Package Manager)

スタートメニューから[Perl Package Manager]を起動します。

検索ボックスに必要なモジュールの名前を入力し、表示された一覧からインストールするパッケージをマークします。そしてメニューの【File → Run Marked Actions】からインストールを実行します。

依存するパッケージも同時にインストールされます。インストールには時間がかかることがあり、下部のStatusに「Installing n packages done」と表示されるまでは完了していません。







ppm> h


ppm> h
    ppm - Perl Package Manager, version 4.14

    Invoke the graphical user interface:

        ppm gui

    Install, upgrade and remove packages:

        ppm install [--area <area>] [--force] <pkg>
        ppm install [--area <area>] [--force] <module>
        ppm install [--area <area>] <url>
        ppm install [--area <area>] <file>.ppmx
        ppm install [--area <area>] <file>.ppd
        ppm install [--area <area>] <num>
        ppm upgrade [--install]
        ppm upgrade <pkg>
        ppm upgrade <module>
        ppm remove [--area <area>] [--force] <pkg>

    Manage and search install areas:

        ppm area list [--csv] [--no-header]
        ppm area sync
        ppm list [--fields <fieldnames>] [--csv]
        ppm list <area> [--fields <fieldnames>] [--csv]
        ppm files <pkg>
        ppm verify [<pkg>]

    Manage and search repositories:

        ppm repo list [--csv] [--no-header]
        ppm repo sync [--force] [<num>]
        ppm repo on <num>
        ppm repo off <num>
        ppm repo describe <num>
        ppm repo add <name>
        ppm repo add <url> [<name>] [--username <user> [--password <passwd>]]
        ppm repo rename <num> <name>
        ppm repo location <num> <url>
        ppm repo suggest
        ppm search <pattern>
        ppm describe <num>
        ppm tree <package>
        ppm tree <num>

    Obtain version and copyright information about this program:

        ppm --version
        ppm version

    The "ppm" program is the package manager for ActivePerl. It simplifies
    the task of locating, installing, upgrading and removing Perl packages.

    Invoking "ppm" without arguments brings up the graphical user interface,
    but ppm can also be used as a command line tool where the first argument
    provide the name of the sub-command to invoke. The following
    sub-commands are recognized:

    ppm area init *area*
        Will initialize the given area so that PPM starts tracking the
        packages it contains.

        PPM allows for the addition of new install areas, which is useful
        for shared ActivePerl installations where the user does not have
        write permissions for the *site* and *perl* areas. New install areas
        are added by simply setting up new library directories for perl to
        search, and PPM will set up install areas to match. The easiest way
        to add library directories for perl is to specify them in the
        "PERL5LIB" environment variable, see perlrun for details. PPM will
        create etc, bin, html directories as needed when installing
        packages. If the last segment of the library directory path is lib
        then the other directories will be created as siblings of the lib
        directory, otherwise they will be subdirectories.

    ppm area list [ --csv [ *sep* ] ] [ --no-header ]
        Lists the available install areas. The list displays the name,
        number of installed packages and "lib" directory location for each
        install area. If that area is read-only, the name appears in
        parenthesis. You will not be able to install packages or remove
        packages in these areas. The default install area is marked with a
        "*" after its name.

        The order of the listed install areas is the order perl uses when
        searching for modules. Modules installed in earlier areas override
        modules installed in later ones.

        The --csv option selects CSV (comma-separated values) format for the
        output. The default field separator can be overridden by the
        argument following --csv.

        The --no-header option suppresses column headings.

    ppm area sync [ *area* ... ]
        Synchronizes installed packages, including those installed by means
        other than PPM (e.g. the CPAN shell), with the ppm database. PPM
        searches the install area(s) for packages, making PPM database
        entries if they do not already exist, or dropping entries for
        packages that no longer exist. When used without an *area* argument,
        all install areas are synced.

    ppm config *name* [ *value* ]
        Get or set various PPM configuration values.

    ppm config list
        List all configuration options currently set.

    ppm describe *num*
        Shows all properties for a particular package from the last search

    ppm files *pkg*
        Lists the full path name of the files belonging to the given
        package, one line per file.

    ppm help [ *subcommand* ]
        Prints the documentation for ppm (this file).

    ppm info [ *name* ]
        List information about ppm and its environment. With argument print
        the value of the given variable. See also "ppm config list".

    ppm install *pkg* [ --area *area* ] [ --force ] [ --nodeps ]
    ppm install *module* [ --area *area* ] [ --force ] [ --nodeps ]
    ppm install *file*.ppmx [ --area *area* ] [ --nodeps ]
    ppm install *file*.ppd [ --area *area* ] [ --nodeps ]
    ppm install *url* [ --area *area* ] [ --nodeps ]
    ppm install *num* [ --area *area* ] [ --nodeps ]
        Install a package and its dependencies.

        The argument to ppm install can be the name of a package, the name
        of a module provided by the package, the file name or the URL of a
        PPMX or PPD file, or the associated number for the package returned
        by the last "ppm search" command.

        If the package or module requested is already installed, PPM
        installs nothing. The --force option can be used to make PPM install
        a package even if it's already present. With --force PPM resolves
        file conflicts during package installation or upgrade by allowing
        files already installed by other packages to be overwritten and
        ownership transferred to the new package. This may break the package
        that originally owned the file.

        By default, new packages are installed in the "site" area, but if
        the "site" area is read only, and there are user-defined areas set
        up, the first user-defined area is used as the default instead. Use
        the --area option to install the package into an alternative

        The --nodeps option makes PPM attempt to install the package without
        resolving any dependencies the package might have.

    ppm list [ *area* ] [ --matching *pattern* ] [ --csv [ *sep* ] ] [
    --no-header ] [ ---fields fieldlist ]
        List installed packages. If the *area* argument is not provided,
        list the content of all install areas.

        The --matching option limits the output to only include packages
        matching the given *pattern*. See ppm search for *pattern* syntax.

        The --csv option selects CSV (comma-separated values) format for the
        output. The default field separator can be overridden by the
        argument following --csv.

        The --no-header option suppress printing of the column headings.

        The --fields argument can be used to select what fields to show. The
        argument is a comma separated list of the following field names:

            The package name. This field is always shown, but if specified
            alone get rid of the decorative box.

            The version number of the package.

            The release date of the package.

            A one sentence description of the purpose of the package.

            The package author or maintainer.

            Where the package is installed.

            The number of files installed for the package.

            The combined disk space used for the package.

            The location of the package description file.

    ppm log [ --errors ] [ *minutes* ]
        Print entries from the log for the last few minutes. By default
        print log lines for the last minute. With --errors option suppress
        warnings, trace and debug events.

    ppm profile restore [ *filename* ]
        Install the packages listed in the given profile file. If no file is
        given try to read the profile from standard input.

    ppm profile save [ *filename* ]
        Write profile of configured repositories and installed packages to
        the given file. If no file is given then print the profile XML to
        standard output.

    ppm query *pattern*
        Alias for ppm list --matching *pattern*. Provided for PPM version 3

    ppm remove [ --area *area* ] [ --force ] *pkg* ...
        Uninstalls the specified package. If *area* is provided unininstall
        from the specified area only. With --force uninstall even if there
        are other packages that depend on features provided by the given

    ppm rep ...
        Alias for ppm repo. Provided for PPM version 3 compatibility.

    ppm repo
        Alias for ppm repo list.

    ppm repo add *name*
        Add the named resposity for PPM to fetch packages from. The names
        recognized are shown by the ppm repo suggest command. Use ppm repo
        add activestate if you want to restore the default ActiveState repo
        after deleting it.

    ppm repo add *url* [ *name* ] [ --username *user* [ --password
    *password* ]
        Set up a new repository for PPM to fetch packages from.

    ppm repo delete *num*
        Remove repository number *num*.

    ppm repo describe *num*
        Show all properties for repository number *num*.

    ppm repo list [ --csv [ *sep* ] ] [ --no-header ]
        List the repositories that PPM is currently configured to use. Use
        this to identify which number specifies a particular repository.

        The --csv option selects comma-separated values format for the
        output. The default field separator can be overridden by the
        argument following --csv.

        The --no-header option suppress printing of the column headings.

    ppm repo *num*
        Alias for ppm repo describe *num*.

    ppm repo *num* *cmd*
        Alias for ppm repo *cmd* *num*.

    ppm repo off *num*
        Disable repository number *num* for ppm install or ppm search.

    ppm repo on *num*
        Enable repository number *num* if it has been previously disabled
        with ppm repo off.

    ppm repo rename *num* *name*
        Change name by which the given repo is known.

    ppm repo location *num* *url*
        Change the location of the given repo. This will make PPM forget all
        cached data from the old repository and try to refetch it from the
        new location.

    ppm repo search ...
        Alias for ppm search.

    ppm repo suggest
        List some known repositories that can be added with ppm add. The
        list only include repositories that are usable by this perl

    ppm repo sync [ --force ] [ --max-ppd *max* ] [ *num* ]
        Synchronize local cache of packages found in the enabled
        repositories. With the --force option, download state from remote
        repositories even if the local state has not expired yet. If *num*
        is provided, only sync the given repository.

        PPM will need to download every PPD file for repositories that don't
        provide a summary file (package.xml). This can be very slow for
        large repositories. Thus PPM refuses to start the downloads with
        repositores linking to more that 100 PPD files unless the --max-ppd
        option provides a higher limit.

    ppm search *pattern*
        Search for packages matching *pattern* in all enabled repositories.

        For *pattern*, use the wildcard "*" to match any number of
        characters and the wildcard "?" to match a single character. For
        example, to find packages starting with the string "List" search for
        "list*". Searches are case insensitive.

        If *pattern* contains "::", PPM will search for packages that
        provide modules matching the pattern.

        If *pattern* matches the name of a package exactly
        (case-sensitively), only that package is shown. A *pattern* without
        wildcards that does not match any package names exactly is used for
        a substring search against available package names (i.e. treated the
        same as "**pattern**").

        The output format depends on how many packages match. If there is
        only one match, the ppm describe format is used. If only a few
        packages match, limited information is displayed. If many packages
        match, only the package names and version numbers are displayed, one
        per line.

        The number prefixing each entry in search output can be used to look
        up full information with ppm describe *num*, dependencies with ppm
        tree *num* or to install the package with ppm install *num*.

    ppm tree *package*
    ppm tree *num*
        Shows all the dependencies (recusively) for a particular package.
        The package can be identified by a package name or the associated
        number for the package returned by the last "ppm search" command.

    ppm uninstall ...
        Alias for ppm remove.

    ppm update ...
        Alias for ppm upgrade.

    ppm upgrade [ --install ]
        List packages that there are upgrades available for. With --install
        option install the upgrades as well.

    ppm upgrade *pkg*
    ppm upgrade *module*
        Upgrades the specified package or module if an upgrade is available
        in one of the currently enabled repositories.

    ppm verify [ *pkg* ]
        Checks that the installed files are still present and unmodified. If
        the package name is given, only that packages is verified.

    ppm version
        Will print the version of PPM and a copyright notice.

    The following lists files and directories that PPM uses and creates:

        Directory where PPM keeps its state. On Windows this directory is
        $LOCAL_APPDATA/ActiveState/ActivePerl/$VERSION. The $VERSION is a
        string like "818".

        SQLite database where ppm keeps its configuration and caches meta
        information about the content of the enabled repositories.

        Log file created to record actions that PPM takes. On Windows this
        is logged to $TEMPDIR/ppm4.log. On Mac OS X this is logged to

        SQLite database where PPM tracks packages installed in the install
        area under $PREFIX.

        Temporary directories used during install. Packages to be installed
        are unpacked here.

        These files contains a single package that can be installed by PPM.
        They are compressed tarballs containing the PPD file for the package
        and the blib tree to be installed.

        XML files containing meta information about packages. Each package
        has its own .ppd file. See ActivePerl::PPM::PPD for additional

        Meta information about repositories. When a repository is added, PPM
        looks for this file and if present, monitors it too stay in sync
        with the state of the repository.

        Same as package.xml but PPM 3 compatible. PPM will use this file if
        package.xml is not available.

    The following environment variables affect how PPM behaves:

        If set to a TRUE value, makes PPM print more internal diagnostics.

        Select what kind of box drawing characters to use for the "ppm *
        list" outputs. Valid values are "ascii", "dos" and "unicode". The
        default varies.

        If set, use this directory to store state and configuration
        information for PPM. This defaults to
        $LOCAL_APPDATA/ActiveState/ActivePerl/$VERSION on Windows and
        $HOME/.ActivePerl/$VERSION/ on Unix systems.

        If set to a TRUE value, make PPM print any log output to the console
        as well.

        PPM uses DBI to access the internal SQLite databases. Setting
        DBI_TRACE allow you to see what queries are performed. Output goes
        to STDERR. See DBI for further details.

        PPM uses LWP to access remote repositories. If you need HTTP traffic
        pass via a proxy server to reach the repository, you must set the
        "http_proxy" environment variable. Some examples:

           Using bash:
               export http_proxy=

           Using cmd.exe:
               set http_proxy=

        See "env_proxy" in LWP::UserAgent for more.

    PPM version 4 is a complete rewrite. The main changes since PPM version
    3 are:

    *   The command line shell has been replaced with a graphical user

    *   Support for *.ppmx files (since PPM version 4.3)

    *   PPM can now manage different installation areas.

    *   No more 'precious' packages. PPM can upgrade itself as well other
        bundled and core modules.

    *   Installation of packages and their dependencies happen as atomic

    *   PPM tracks what files it has installed and can notice if files have
        been modified or deleted. The command 'ppm verify' will report on

    *   State is kept in local SQLite databases. All repository state is
        kept local which makes searching much faster.

    *   PPM will pick up and manage packages installed by other means (e.g.
        manually or with the CPAN shell).

    *   No more SOAP.

    *   Underlying modules moved to the "ActivePerl::PPM::" namespace.



    Copyright (C) 2011 ActiveState Software Inc. All rights reserved.

CPAN (Comprehensive Perl Archive Network)



C:\>perl -MCPAN -e shell




cpan> h


Display Information                                                (ver 1.9800)
 command  argument          description
 a,b,d,m  WORD or /REGEXP/  about authors, bundles, distributions, modules
 i        WORD or /REGEXP/  about any of the above
 ls       AUTHOR or GLOB    about files in the author's directory
    (with WORD being a module, bundle or author name or a distribution
    name of the form AUTHOR/DISTRIBUTION)

Download, Test, Make, Install...
 get      download                     clean    make clean
 make     make (implies get)           look     open subshell in dist directory
 test     make test (implies make)     readme   display these README files
 install  make install (implies test)  perldoc  display POD documentation

 r        WORDs or /REGEXP/ or NONE    report updates for some/matching/all modules
 upgrade  WORDs or /REGEXP/ or NONE    upgrade some/matching/all modules

 force  CMD    try hard to do command  fforce CMD    try harder
 notest CMD    skip testing

 h,?           display this menu       ! perl-code   eval a perl command
 o conf [opt]  set and query options   q             quit the cpan shell
 reload cpan   load again      reload index  load newer indices
 autobundle    Snapshot                recent        latest CPAN uploads

起動時に設定を求められることがあります。 requires configuration, but most of it can be done automatically.
If you answer 'no' below, you will enter an interactive dialog for each
configuration option instead.

Would you like to configure as much as possible automatically? [yes]


Autoconfigured everything but 'urllist'.

Now you need to choose your CPAN mirror sites.  You can let me
pick mirrors for you, you can select them from a list or you
can enter them by hand.

Would you like me to automatically choose some CPAN mirror
sites for you? (This means connecting to the Internet) [yes]
Trying to fetch a mirror list from the Internet
Fetching with LWP:

Looking for CPAN mirrors near you (please be patient)
........................... done!

New urllist

Autoconfiguration complete.

commit: wrote '/home/username/.cpan/CPAN/'

You can re-run configuration any time with 'o conf init' in the CPAN shell

cpan shell -- CPAN exploration and modules installation (v1.960001)
Enter 'h' for help.


Warning: You do not have write permission for Perl library directories.




There seems to be running another CPAN process (pid 000000).  Contacting...
Other job not responding. Shall I overwrite the lockfile '/home/username/.cpan/.loc
k'? (Y/n) [y]



cpan> install CPAN
cpan> reload cpan


cpan> install ModuleName
Installing Perl Modules -


モジュールをアンインストールする方法は提供されておらず、自力で対処する必要があります。Uninstall all perl modules installed by cpan - Stack Overflow




