VBoxManage [general option] command
[-v|--version] | print version number and exit |
[-q|--nologo] | suppress the logo |
[--settingspw <pw>] | provide the settings password |
[--settingspwfile <file>] | provide a file containing the settings password |
コマンド |
list |
showvminfo |
registervm |
unregistervm |
createvm |
modifyvm |
clonevm |
import |
export |
startvm |
controlvm |
discardstate |
adoptstate |
snapshot |
closemedium |
storageattach |
storagectl |
bandwidthctl |
showmediuminfo |
createmedium |
modifymedium |
clonemedium |
mediumproperty |
encryptmedium |
checkmediumpwd |
convertfromraw |
convertfromraw |
getextradata |
setextradata |
setproperty |
usbfilter |
sharedfolder |
guestproperty |
guestcontrol |
metrics |
natnetwork |
hostonlyif |
dhcpserver |
usbdevsource |
VBoxManage CommandName
たとえばホストとの時刻同期を無効にするには、次のようにします。9.13.4. Disabling the Guest Additions Time Synchronization - Chapter 9. Advanced Topics
VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/GetHostTimeDisabled" 1
VBoxManage internalcommands command [command arguments]
コマンド | |
dumphdinfo | |
sethdparentuuid | |
︙ |
listpartitions -rawdisk diskname
createrawvmdk -filename filename -rawdisk diskname [-partitions list of partition numbers [-mbr filename] ] [-relative]
Creates a new VMDK image which gives access to an entire host disk (if the parameter -partitions is not specified) or some partitions of a host disk.
If access to individual partitions is granted, then the parameter -mbr can be used to specify an alternative MBR to be used (the partitioning information in the MBR file is ignored).
The diskname is on Linux e.g. /dev/sda, and on Windows e.g. \\.\PhysicalDrive0).
On Linux or FreeBSD host the parameter -relative causes a VMDK file to be created which refers to individual partitions instead to the entire disk.
The necessary partition numbers can be queried with VBoxManage internalcommands listpartitions
VBoxManage.exe: error: Cannot read partition data from raw device '\\.\PhysicalDrive*': VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND VBoxManage.exe: error: The raw disk vmdk file was not created
VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> dumpvmcore [--filename=name] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> info <item> [args...] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> injectnmi VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> log [[--release] | [--debug]] [group-settings...] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> logdest [[--release] | [--debug]] [destinations...] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> logflags [[--release] | [--debug]] [flags...] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> osdetect VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> osinfo VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> osdmesg [--lines=lines] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> getregisters [--cpu=id] [reg-set.reg-name...] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> setregisters [--cpu=id] [reg-set.reg-name=value...] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> show [[--human-readable] | [--sh-export] | [--sh-eval] | [--cmd-set]] [settings-item...] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> stack [--cpu=id] VBoxManage debugvm <uuid|vmname> statistics [--reset] [--descriptions] [--pattern=pattern]
VBoxManage extpack install [--replace] <tarball> VBoxManage extpack uninstall [--force] <name> VBoxManage extpack cleanup
"%PROGRAMFILES%\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage" --help